The gradual decline in numbers and strength due to stress, harassment and other factors in called Attrition. As demonstrated, it can be used to represent decline sales in statistical report, or weakening of resistance.

Originating from a Latin word in the 13th century, attrition can represent anything that is in a gradual decline, such as depreciation, or cheap fast food restaurants that are open all night (and subject to attrition in their sales).

Attrition carries the following dictionary definitions:
1. A gradual, natural reduction in membership or personnel, as through retirement, resignation, or death.
2. A reduction in size, numbers or strength.
3. Wearing down or weakening of resistance, especially as a result of continuous pressure or harassment

Master tips for Attrition:
at + rition (sounds like ration); Due to flood, ration is available in very limited amount. There is a shortage of food everywhere in our city. Hence Attrition = reduction, or less amounts.
Alternatively, attrition is rhythmic to malnutrition, which is weakening people’s strength.

Usage examples of Attrition:
1. The dentist warned him that the attrition caused by grinding his teeth frequently was wearing the tooth enamel.
2. The rebels bombarded the security forces in attrition.

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