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Origin of the word Bacchanalia:

This is word of divine origin, with it being based on the name of the Roman God Bacchus. Bacchus is the Roman variant of the Greed god Dionysus. Dionysus, in Greek mythology, was the god of the winemaking and wine, and through the route of intoxication lead to ecstasy and liberation. And Bacchus takes over a similar role in Roman mythology.

The term Bacchanalia is derived from the initiatory rites that were dedicated to Bacchus. In these ceremonies, there was an incorporation of carnality, sexually licentious behaviour, induced obviously through excessive drinking. Gradually, the cult of Bacchus drew the ire of the Roman authorities and more and more restrictions were placed on it.

A modern day equivalent of these drunker orgies would be the rave parties we have in the modern day world, a heady conglomeration of drugs, liquor and sex.

The dictionary definitions for Bacchanalia are as follows:
1. In Roman antiquity, a festival in honor of Bacchus. These festivals became the occasion of great excesses, and were forbidden by the senate in 186 b. c. Any festivities characterized by jollity and good-fellowship, particularly if somewhat boisterous, and accompanied by much wine-drinking. (Noun)
2. Drunken orgies; riotous disorders; ruthless and shameless excesses; unbounded license. (Noun)

Masters tip to remember Bacchanalia:
Just remember what all crazy things a bottle of liquor can make you do. The drunken merrymaking it causes is all that defines bacchanalia.


Usage examples for Bacchanalia:
1. Las Vegas can be labelled as a town in constant Bacchanalia.
2. What if the global economy is becoming dependent on this Consumerist Bacchanalia referred to as Christmas?
3.  Hellenic origin or inspiration, portrayals of inebriated satyrs and Dionysian libations, depictions of Bacchanalia, ancient Roman bas-reliefs of wine shops, and a number of winemaking implements. –New York Times.

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