No, cubbyhole is not slang for a fat person’s belly button, but actually implies a small cozy snug little place. Harry potter fans would recall the Owl dormitory to be filled with small places allotted for the pets, which are called cubbyholes.

As the picture displays, a small, often private space, such as a pigeonhole is referred to as a cubbyhole. Should not be used as a defaming cuss for fat people!

The dictionary definitions for Cubbyhole are as follows:
1. A small enclosed space or room. (noun)
2. Any small compartment, such as a pigeonhole (noun)

Masters tips for Cubbyhole:
To remember this word, break it into two easy words:
Cubby: or crumby, meaning a small pathetic and breaking down state,
Hole: A small opening or passage. Thus cubbyhole is a crumby, little space.

Do not confuse cubby as chubby, as chubby would refer to something fat or large, an antonym of the cubbyhole.

Usage examples for Cubbyhole:
1. The cubbyhole hostel room is just perfect for the little boy.
2. Back in her cubbyhole of an office, Nina sat down at her desk.

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