Welcome to the 'Section' @ Wordpandit where you Learn Words!

It’s time to build your vocabulary using our amazing methods and resources. This is where you learn words the ‘Wordpandit Way’.

What is the Wordpandit Way of Learning Words?

This complete section is our answer to this question. The Wordpandit way to learn words is not a single thing but consists of four special ways of learning words. Which are these four ways? These are the four ways:

  • Visual Vocabulary: This is where you get to learn words through our specially designed ‘word-posters’. Word-posters are a theme based visual representations of the words that help you remember words. Along with visual, each w0ord has comprehensive articles that contains meanings, sentences example and a tip to learn the the particular.
  • Mnemonic Tips: This is the section where words are explained with the help of pictures as well as memory tricks. These memory tricks are simple associations derived from the words itself that make it easier for us to ingrain these words in our memory.
  • Contextual Vocab: Contextual Vocab is the study of words through the contexts they appear in. Words are used in certain ways and with an intended meaning. Through their implied contexts, we can learn their meaning: a method of reverse application. We would be using all possible sources to highlight the best usages, from those in Literature to current affair magazines and newspapers.
  • YouTube Vocab: Nothing is complete in this world without sound and video added to the mix. This sections is all about using the power of YouTube to explore words. Words are taught through videos and updated almost daily. So keep yourself plugged in. In between, you will get to see some great advertisements in this section as well.
How to learn words: the easy methods explained
picture for invincible

The four methods combine to provide you 100% Learning


Visual Vocabulary


Mnemonic Tips


Contextual Vocabulary


YouTube Vocab

How to Learn Words and what is the benefit of learning words?

Well, these are two important questions and you can find the answers to these questions in the following articles:


Which is the most important criterion for learning words?

The most important criterion to learn words is that you need to have a purpose to learn; without a purpose to learn, it is very difficult to motivate yourself to learn words regularly.

How often should I learn words?

As often as possible! Learning words is a long term exercise that demands regularity and patience. You will not see the results overnight but over long duration of time. Once you achieve a certain critical mass, your learning will increase exponentially.

Do I need to revise the words I learn?

Yes, you absolutely need to. Along with revision, you also need to make sure that you use the words you learn. Use the words you learn either in written form (diary or blog) or in conversations. Make sure you regularly use them in order to learn them permanently.

Start with our awesome 4 sections for learning words:

Visual Vocabulary

Learn Words through Pictures and Illustrations.

Contextual Vocabulary

Learn Words through Sentences and Conversations.

Mnemonic Tips

Learn Words through Memory Tricks and Associations.

YouTube Vocab

Learn Words through Videos and Adverts.

Two Bonus Sections for You

Some uncommon words explored!

Slang Dictionary

Words that are commonly used but not found in the dictionary.

Obscure Words

Words that have been forgotten by dictionaries.

One’s vocabulary needs constant fertilizing or it will die.

Evelyn Waugh

Words are the only things that last forever.

William Hazlitt

Words are the voice of the heart.


Chinese philosopher

Don't Be Shy

Want to request a word? Well, just drop us a line and request the word you want us to add. We will try to add it as soon as possible.


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