Picture for LiquidationLiquidation is the process of realizing upon assets and of discharging liabilities in concluding the affairs of a business, estate, etc. It can also be termed as the process of converting securities or commodities into cash now you can liquidate only those assets which are transferred into cash easily, such as shares & stocks, gold or property for that matter.


Meanings of Liquidation

1. Process of realizing the net value of an asset in terms of cash.
2. Process of converting securities or commodities into cash.
3. The state of being liquidated: an estate in liquidation.

Master’s Tip to Learn Liquidation

Whenever an organisation or firm is in debt or bankrupt it depends upon liquidation in order to pay off the pending amounts. Sometimes it’s shares are bounded by legal litigations, so any the options are closed. When we have a financial crunch or issue at home, the first thing is to take a loan on property or sell gold. Any asset which can be beneficially made to return a monetary amount can be liquidated.

Sentence examples for Liquidation:

1. The company’s brief statement offered no reason for the liquidation.
2. In particular, it imagines how its expanded powers under the newly established non-bank
liquidation authority would have helped.

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