Picture for OpprobriumOpprobrium is used for something that brings shame or dishonor and is generally considered a consequence of some outrageous or shameful conduct. It is a noun.
It originated around 1660 from the Latin word opprobius.

Pronunciation: uh-proh-bree-uhm

Meanings of Opprobrium

1. Disgrace arising from exceedingly shameful conduct; ignominy.
2. Public disgrace or ill fame that follows from conduct considered grossly wrong or vicious.
3. A cause of shame or disgrace.

Master’s Tip to Learn Opprobrium

Part of the word Opprobrium sounds like ‘Opium’. Now opium is an addictive drug and its use is frowned upon in the society thus if you take opium you’ll be dishonored.

Sentence examples for Opprobrium:

1. They’re going ahead with the plan despite public opprobrium.
2. He is a zoo creature, behind the bars of the people’s opprobrium.
3. Ostensibly, voters become so satiated by the opprobrium candidates heap on one another that they quit the process entirely.

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