Logical Reasoning handout: Logical Reasoning handout that has all the important information of the logic section for exams
Logical Reasoning handout helps you cope up with the speed and accuracy demands of the logical section of exams. By ensuring steady focus and complete understanding of the important tips and tricks, you can reach higher scores. Logical Reasoning handout covers a completely solved example with a detailed solution followed by some useful tips. Giving yourself a good practice by keeping in mind points from the Logical Reasoning handout to help boost your performance in the exam.
Directions for the question set:
Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below:
P, Q, R, S, T, V, W, Y and Z are sitting around a circle facing the center. V is second to the left of P who is third to the left of Y. S is fourth to the left of P. T is third to the right of Q who is to the immediate right of V. W is fourth to the right of Z.
Question 1: In which of the following combinations is the first person sitting in between the second and the third persons?
(a) RSZ
(b) YTW
(c) WPQ
(d) VZQ
(e) PQV
Question 2: Who is second to the right of Z?
(a) Q
(b) P
(c) W
(d) Data inadequate
(e) None of these
Question 3: In which of the following pairs are the first persons sitting to the immediate right of the second person?
(a) VQ
(b) ZV
(c) SZ
(d) RS
(e) YT
Question 4: Who is third to the left of S?
(a) Y
(b) W
(c) T
(d) Data inadequate
(e) None of these
Question 5: Who is third to the right of W?
(a) S
(b) R
(c) V
(d) Z
(e) Data inadequate
Answers and Explanations: Click the down arrow to expand

Answer 1: (d) V is sitting between Z and Q. The correct option is (d)
Answer 2: (a) Q is second to the right of Z. The Correct option is (a)
Answer 3: (e) Y is sitting to the immediate right of T. The correct option is (e).
Answer 4: (c) T is third to the left of S. The correct option is (c)
Answer 5: (b) R is third to the right of W. The correct option is (b).
Extra tips for Logical Reasoning handout:
• While attempting logical reasoning questions, use the diagrammatic approach to consolidate and simplify data. It helps you land on inferences and conclusions much quicker than the traditional approach.
• Make sure you account for the multiple cases/possibilities in your diagram. It is advisable to draw parallel diagrams and immediately rule out the case that fails.
• Go through Logical Reasoning handout from various topics understand to make your base strong and understand the types of questions that are usually asked in the respective exams.