Recommendation 1 from ‘The Times Crest Edition’
Article Name:Memory highway
By: Ranjit Lal
TOI-Crest takes a drive down memory lane, recounting how cars in the past reflected their countries of origin.
The author states that in the past, cars from different origins had dictinct characteristics but now with the world being a global village, it’s difficult to figure out the origins of your car.
Learn Words from the article:
Ferrying: a commercial service for transporting men and material
Sump: a pit or well
Burbling: to make a bubbling sound
Tantrums: a violent demonstration of rage and frustration
Recommendation 2 from ‘The Hindu’
Article Name:Is the United Nations racist?
By: Ramesh Thakur
Many commentators seem to believe that the alleged waste, inefficiency and corruption in the U.N. system is rooted partly in affirmative action policies that prioritise incompetent and unqualified personnel from developing countries in recruitment and promotion.
The author states that the western countries occupy almost all powerful and big-budget posts in the organisation, and sadly developing countries, despite their numbers, have allowed the bias to persist.
Learn Words from the article:
Whimsical: fanciful notions
Jeopardise: to put in rsk, hazard
Incompetent: lacking qualification or ability
Ghetto: a section of the city especially a slum area
Atrocity: extremely shocking or cruel
Recommendation 3 from ‘The Hindu’
Article Name:‘No’ to peeping Sams
By: Samir Saranabhijit Iyer- Mitra
The challenge of cyber security lies in protecting people without their private space or making ‘national security’ an excuse to trample on their freedoms.
The article talks about the story of three governments. The first one being where the government in order to protect the rights of its citizens snoops on others, second being where claims are made to value personal freedoms and concludes with the first to violate its citizens’ freedom and then cover up its footprints. The third being where the government does not seem to care but its words or the consequences they bear.
Learn Words from the article:
Euphemistically: the substitution of a mild, indirect expression.
Peripatetic: walking or travelling about.
Subservience: serving in a subordinate capacity.
Vacuous: without any content.
Callous: made hard.
Supine: inactive or passive.