Recommendation 1 from ‘The Economic Times’
Article Name:Why India must understand Britain’s fear of immigration
By: Tanuj Kumar
The fact is that India is on the origin of a large proportion of illegal immigrants to the UK. We go there and abuse their welfare system.
The article talks about the immigration policies of UK and stating the reason that mass migration would lead to segregation and ultimately disastrous racial nd religious division.
Learn Words from the article:
Reckon: to calculate in numbers
Tantamount: equivalent in value or force
Recommendation 2 from ‘The Times Crest Edition’
Article Name:Pilgrims, make some progress
By: Vithal C Nadkarni
As many a poet-philosopher has warned over the ages, pilgrimages can often be empty exercises in devotion.
The author states that how the pilgrimages undertaken without the right values invariably morph into tourist junkets and how those who travelled to Canterbury, Rome and Jerusalem were open to the charge of curiositas, of being tourists rather than pilgrims pursuing adventure and excitement rather than the experience of God.
Learn Words from the article:
Savvy: to understand
Denigrate: defame
Precinct: a district or city marked out for governmental or administrative purposes
Recommendation 3 from ‘The Hindu’
Article Name:Still in the last row
Muslim children continue to be marginalised in both school enrolment and completion, says a study
The article talks about the number of young Muslims in the country and how they can play a part in the nation’s ambition of becoming a global player or not will depend on the extent to which they benefit from the growth process and social reform initiatives.
Learn Words from the article:
Explicit:clearly demonstrated
Exclusion: blocking the entrance