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Recommendation 1 from ‘The Times of India’

Article Name:Melinda and Chelsea

By: Bachi Karkari

The two Bills, Gates and Clinton; Melinda and now Chelsea. Richard Gere in AIDS. These encounters of the close kind keep convincing me that some celebrities can, and do, bring much more to a cause than merely their name.


After Jug Suraiya, time to get Bachi Karkaria back on this page. In this article, she talks about the good work being done by celebreties and some of the impressive tasks being carried out by the leading lights of the world. This article is particular talks about the contentious issue of family planning and how celebrities are doing their bit in this endeavor.

Read the full article here.

Learn Words from the article:

Pow-wow: a quick private conference
Brandished: Exhibit aggressively
Benign: Pleasant and beneficial in nature or influence
Ungrudgingly: In a generous and ungrudging manner
Plenary: Full in all respects

Recommendation 2 from ‘The Guardian’

Article Name:Britain’s wars fuel terror. Denying it only feeds Islamophobia

By: Seumas Milne

Denial of the role of US-British wars, occupations and interventions in the Muslim world in fuelling terror attacks at home helps to get politicians off the hook. But it also plays into the hands of those blaming multiculturalism and migration, feeding racism and Islamophobia in the process.


The article is a critical analysis of what is happening in this world. Driven by fear and increasing amount of Islamophobia, political decisions are hurting the common man. In a way, the article here is common knowledge but the facts given here are generally not accepted by many. Read to know the realities of British society.

Read the full article here.

Learn Words from the article:

Horrifically: To an appalling extent
Kneejerk: A reflex extension of the leg resulting from a sharp tap on the patellar tendon
Islamophobia: Prejudice against Muslims

Recommendation 3 from ‘Project Syndicate’

Article Name:Science, Heal Thyself

By: Arturo Casadevall & Ferric C. Fang

The problems of science and scientists in today’s world.


The problems of science are immense and the article highlights them brilliantly. A wonderful piece that actually makes a lot of common sense.

Read the full article here.

Learn Words from the article:

Existential: Derived from experience or the experience of existence.
Hindrance: Something immaterial that interferes with or delays action or progress.
Scarcity: A small and inadequate amount.
Anthropogenic: Of or relating to the study of the origins and development of human beings.




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