Articles for Word Power Made Easy and Six weeks to words of power

What is this section all about?

In this section, we provide study notes and articles for two vocabulary books:

  • Word Power Made Easy by Norman Lewis: This is perhaps the most used Vocabulary book in the world. Following the pattern of sessions, the book picks up a cluster of interesting words in a group of sessions and then goes on to explain it. For this book, we provide articles that provide extra words and further details for these sessions. This way, you can learn a lot more from Word Power Made Easy.
  • Six Weeks to Words of Power by Wilfred Funk: This is a super awesome and handy book in which picks a group of words based on a single theme (for example, Verbs of Deep Emotion, Verbs of Energy, Verbs of Violent Criticism,etc.) and then goes to explain them and provide exercises for them. The exhaustive practice for these sets makes it easy for you to learn. What we do is take these individual units and provide a neat table with meanings, synonyms and antonyms that you can use for revision. These are our study notes effectively.

Please Note: Over the next 6 months, we will be covering each and every lesson/session in these two books. So stay tuned for regular updates.