What it intellect and who has it?
Is it sold in some store or is it manufactured in some factory?
Sadly, it is neither of the above. Rather, it is a sum total of one’s hard work and talent. How so? Well, in a way, intellect is the ability of a person to use his mind/faculties, intelligence as some would say.
Though there are multiple debates on the subject, my opinion is that intellect is both in-born as well acquired. Which side of the debate do you find yourself?

Pronunciation: in-tl-ekt

The dictionary definitions for intellect are as follows:
1. (Psychology) The capacity for understanding, thinking, and reasoning, as distinct from feeling or wishing
2. A mind or intelligence, esp a brilliant one his intellect is wasted on that job
3. Informal a person possessing a brilliant mind; brain
4. Those possessing the greatest mental power the intellect of a nation

Master tip to learn aghast:
Want to learn the word? A simple mental picture should do the job: imagine brain-matter being sold in a shop, well that is intellect being sold for you.

Intellect can be used in following ways:
1. “That statement, “he announced,” is a formal tribute paid by what I call my intellect to what the vulgar call the probabilities.”- The Certain Hour
2. “Each one can define it for himself; there it is, and I do not see why it is not as integral a part of the authors — an element in the estimate of their future position — as what we term their intellect, their knowledge, their skill, or their art.”-Washington Irving
3. “Each one can define it for himself; there it is, and I do not see why it is not as integral a part of the authors — an element in the estimate of their future position — as what we term their intellect, their knowledge, their skill, or their art.”-Washington Irving

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