• These tests are a check for your learning and are meant to serve as tools for assessment.
  • The test is designed to check your current vocabulary levels and provide you an assessment of the same.
  • Directions for individual questions:In the problems below, either a part or all of the sentence is underlined or bold . The sentence is followed by five ways of writing the underlined part. Option (A) repeats the original; the other answer choices vary. If you think that the original phrasing is the best, choose (A). If you think one of the other answer choices is the best, select that choice.

Sentence Correction (Level-2): Test-3

Congratulations - you have completed Sentence Correction (Level-2): Test-3.You scored %%SCORE%% out of %%TOTAL%%.Your performance has been rated as %%RATING%%
Your answers are highlighted below.
Question 1
Bacon believes that the medical profession should be permitted to ease and quicken death where the end would otherwise only delay for few days and at the cost of great pain.
otherwise only delay for a few days and
be delayed for a few days and
be otherwise only delayed or a few days and
Otherwise only delay for a few days and
Question 1 Explanation: 
In this question, the way it is phrased, end becomes the doer of the action, which cannot be so. Secondly, the adverbs ‘otherwise’ and ‘only’ should be placed closest to the verb they modify, that is ‘delayed’. This makes option C the correct answer.
Question 2
Corruption and degradation of the political class is, according to the expert’s report, a matter of universal concern.
class is, according to the expert’s report, a matter of universal concern.
class is, according to the expert’s report, matters of universal concern.
class are, according to the expert’s report, a matter of universal concern.
class are, according to the expert’s report, universally a matter of concern.
Question 2 Explanation: 
“Corruption and degradation of the political” form a compound subject which needs a plural verb: are is correct. Option D introduces an unnecessary change.
Question 3
In the retail sector there are no expansion opportunities for those without money, which makes it difficult for we to raise capital to kick-start our ventures.
for those without money, which makes it difficult for we to raise capital
for those without money, a fact that makes it difficult for us to arrange capital
for those without money, a fact that makes it difficult for us to raise capital
for us without money, which makes it difficult for us to raise capital
Question 3 Explanation: 
A couple of things to keep in mind for this question: 1. The object us is required after the preposition for. 2. Always remember: which requires a clear antecedent. Option 1 and 4 do not clarify what makes it difficult. 3. Option 2 introduces an unnecessary change by using arrange instead of raise.
Question 4
Rita is a botanist whose dream is to re-establish an authentic pre-human piece of Spiti, a place now awash with introduced species of plants and animals.
whose dream is to re-establish an authentic pre-human piece of Spiti,
who has the dream to re-establish an authentic pre-human piece of Spiti,
whose dream it is to re-establish an authentic pre-human piece of Spiti,
who it is his dream to re-establish an authentic pre-human piece of Spiti,
that is dreaming to re-establish an authentic pre-human piece of Spiti,
Question 4 Explanation: 
The best answer is option A. The pronoun whose is the best way to link the dream with Rita is a botanist.
Question 5
The Sub-Sahara Chimps were in isolation from contact with humans longer than either their African cousins or Mediterranean sub-species.
  in isolation from contact with humans longer than
isolated from contact with humans longer than
in isolation from contact with humans longer than were
isolated from contact with humans longer than were
in isolation and without contacts with humans longer than
Question 5 Explanation: 
The best answer is D. The phrasing of the comparisons in choices A, B, and E is incomplete, so the comparisons are ambiguous. Choice D employs concise, idiomatic phrasing to express a logically complete comparison.
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