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2 Days to CAT-2016: The Power of Positive Thinking for CAT exam

Hey there, we are almost there!

With two days to go for the exam, you might be feeling under the pump. But hey, don’t worry. In class, I share a simple anecdote to calm nervy students: whatever happens in the exam, what won’t happen is that you won’t get shot. There are no bullets flying in the exam. In other words, you are going to come out alive. And as long as you are alive, you have can have/achieve anything in life! CAT is just an exam and treat it as one; don’t give it too much important and don’t place yourself under unnecessary stress!

Let’s be honest here: you are not going to change much now but if you stress yourself, you will definitely go in with low self-confidence in the exam. Right now, your focus should be only on the following things:
1. Revising key formulae
2. Being clear with your exam strategy
3. List down your strengths and make sure you believe in these strengths
4. Taking up activities that mentally relaxed

This is the simple four-point agenda you need right now. Right now, self-belief is the key.

Right now, you need to tell yourself you are prepared for the exam; all you need to do is your best in the exam. Do not worry about scores, attempts, difficulty levels, exam patterns; just focus on doing your best in the exam. Have a look at this video:

This is what you need to do.
You need to believe in yourself and believe in the fact that you are going to give your best on Sunday!

Just go give your 100% in the exam!
You got this, buddy!

Love and Best,


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