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Reading Suggestion 1: Out of my mind: The Khilafat movement

Article Source: The Indian Express

Learn Words from the article:

Unilateral: Done by one side only
Adventurer: A soldier of fortune, a speculator
Defiance: open resistance; bold disobedience
Demise: convey or grant (an estate) by will or lease

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Reading Suggestion 2: Mindless populism — facts and remedies

Article Source: The Indian Express

Learn Words from the article:

Populism: political doctrine that appeals to the interests and conceptions (such as fears) of the general people, especially contrasting those interests with the interests of the elite
Efficacy: the ability to produce a desired or intended result
Incumbent: necessary for (someone) as a duty or responsibility
Enshrine: preserve (a right, tradition, or idea) in a form that ensures it will be protected and respected

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Reading Suggestion 3: The overweight deserve help, not sneers or malice

Article Source: The Guardian

Learn Words from the article:

Malice: wrongful intention, especially as increasing the guilt of certain offences
Sneer: a contemptuous or mocking smile, remark, or tone
Gastric: of the stomach
Mollycoddle: treat (someone) in an indulgent or overprotective way

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