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Reading Suggestion 1: What is contemporary dance?

Article Source: The Hindu

Learn Words from the article:

Malleable: able to be drawn into thin sheets.
Nascent: just coming into existence, emerging
Apparent: clear or manifest to the understanding
Unequivocally: unmistakable or unquestionable

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Reading Suggestion 2: A give and take spirit

Article Source: The Hindu

Learn Words from the article:

Emphasis: special attention or forcefulness given to something considered important
Essence: the inherent nature of a thing or an idea
Mutual: having the same relationship, reciprocal, to have in common.

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Reading Suggestion 3: Mumbai play to revisit popular fables from Panchatantra

Article Source: The Hindustan Times

Learn Words from the article:

Revamp: to improve or revive
Conventional: following generally accepted principles, methods and behaviour
Depict: representation of something.

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