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Daily Vocabulary Words: List of Daily Used Words
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Our endeavour here is straightforward: highlighting important daily vocabulary words, you would encounter in The Hindu. This is your repository of commonly used words; essentially, we are posting a list of daily used words. Hence, this has significant practical application as it teaches you words that are commonly used in a leading publication such as The Hindu.
Visit the website daily to learn words from The Hindu.


CONTEXT: For the Indians in the stadium, watching track and field athletes from their country on the final night of the prestigious competition was the icing on the cake.

SOURCE: The Hindu

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Prestigious is like being a superhero in a story. Everyone thinks you are amazing and wants to be like you. When something is prestigious, it’s very, very special and important. People look up to it.

MEANING: Highly respected and admired for being excellent or important (Adjective).


SYNONYMS: Esteemed, Honorable, Distinguished, Renowned, Illustrious, Celebrated, Eminent

1. Harvard is a prestigious university.
2. Winning the gold medal is a prestigious honor.
3. She works for a prestigious law firm.
4. The prestigious award was given to the best scientist.


CONTEXT: “It was surreal,” says Ajay, a Mumbai-based edutech entrepreneur. “I wanted to give Thathagat, who follows a range of sports, the experience of watching multiple disciplines in one event. He got to watch a legend like Jamaican sprinter Shelly-Ann Fraser-Pryce from close quarters. She has defied age, come back to the track after motherhood, and been a great ambassador.”

SOURCE: The Hindu

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Surreal is like when you’re dreaming, and things happen that wouldn’t really happen in real life. Like a talking animal or floating in the sky; it’s so strange it feels like make-believe.

MEANING: Weird and dreamlike; not like normal reality (Adjective).


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SYNONYMS: Bizarre, Unusual, Dreamlike, Fantastic, Strange, Unreal, Odd

1. The painting had a surreal quality.
2. The news was so shocking, it felt surreal.
3. The artist is known for his surreal illustrations.
4. It was a surreal moment when she won the lottery.


CONTEXT: “It was surreal,” says Ajay, a Mumbai-based edutech entrepreneur. “I wanted to give Thathagat, who follows a range of sports, the experience of watching multiple disciplines in one event. He got to watch a legend like Jamaican sprinter Shelly-Ann Fraser-Pryce from close quarters. She has defied age, come back to the track after motherhood, and been a great ambassador.”

SOURCE: The Hindu

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Defied is like saying “no” when everyone expects you to say “yes.” It’s when you don’t follow the rules or what people expect you to do.

MEANING: Refused to obey or follow (Verb).


SYNONYMS: Disobeyed, Challenged, Resisted, Rebelled, Opposed, Contested, Flouted

1. The child defied his parents by staying out late.
2. She defied the odds and succeeded.
3. The activist defied the government’s orders.
4. The team defied expectations by winning the game.


CONTEXT: Gautam Bhatia has been for several years an outspoken commentator on legal issues and cases, and an outspoken critic of the courts, especially the Supreme Court. His facts are well marshalled, his arguments sound, his conclusions unimpeachable, and his range impressive.

SOURCE: The Hindu

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Outspoken means you’re not afraid to say what you think, even if it might make some people upset. It’s like being a brave knight who always speaks up.

MEANING: Expressing one’s opinions openly and strongly (Adjective).


SYNONYMS: Vocal, Candid, Blunt, Forthright, Direct, Frank, Plain-spoken

1. She is an outspoken advocate for animal rights.
2. The outspoken child questioned the teacher.
3. He is known for his outspoken views on politics.
4. Being outspoken sometimes gets her into trouble.


CONTEXT: Gautam Bhatia has been for several years an outspoken commentator on legal issues and cases, and an outspoken critic of the courts, especially the Supreme Court. His facts are well marshalled, his arguments sound, his conclusions unimpeachable, and his range impressive.

SOURCE: The Hindu

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Marshalled means getting things or people all ready and in the right order. It’s like being the leader in a game, making sure everyone knows what to do.

MEANING: Organized and arranged in order, especially for coordinated action (Verb).


SYNONYMS: Organized, Arranged, Assembled, Ordered, Coordinated, Gathered, Mobilized

1. She marshalled her thoughts before the big presentation.
2. The general marshalled his troops.
3. They marshalled resources for the charity event.
4. He marshalled the kids into a line before entering the museum.


CONTEXT: Gautam Bhatia has been for several years an outspoken commentator on legal issues and cases, and an outspoken critic of the courts, especially the Supreme Court. His facts are well marshalled, his arguments sound, his conclusions unimpeachable, and his range impressive.

SOURCE: The Hindu

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Unimpeachable is like being so good and honest that no one can say you did something wrong. You’re like a superhero who always tells the truth and helps people.

MEANING: Beyond doubt or suspicion; completely trustworthy (adjective).

PRONUNCIATION: Un-im-peach-a-bul

SYNONYMS: Irrefutable, Unquestionable, Reliable, Trustworthy, Credible, Infallible

1. His reputation is unimpeachable.
2. The evidence was unimpeachable, leading to a quick conviction.
3. She provided unimpeachable references for the job.
4. The organization has an unimpeachable record of success.


CONTEXT: It opens with a sparkling essay on Justice A.M. Khanwilkar who, more than any other judge in recent times, has emasculated human rights and liberty.

SOURCE: The Hindu

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Emasculated means making someone feel like they are not strong or important anymore. Imagine if a superhero lost their powers; they might feel emasculated.

MEANING: Made weaker or less effective, often in terms of power or importance (verb).

PRONUNCIATION: Ee-mas-cue-lay-ted

SYNONYMS: Weakened, Disempowered, Diminished, Deprived, Reduced, Crippled

1. The new laws emasculated the power of the governor.
2. He felt emasculated by his failure.
3. The criticism emasculated his confidence.
4. The merger emasculated the smaller company’s influence.


CONTEXT: It opens with a sparkling essay on Justice A.M. Khanwilkar who, more than any other judge in recent times, has emasculated human rights and liberty.

SOURCE: The Hindu

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Draconian is like a very, very strict parent or teacher who gives you big punishments for small mistakes. It’s like getting grounded for a month just for forgetting to tie your shoes.

MEANING: Extremely harsh and severe, especially regarding rules or punishments (adjective).

PRONUNCIATION: Dra-coh-nee-an

SYNONYMS: Harsh, Severe, Strict, Extreme, Rigorous, Stringent, Excessive

1. The draconian laws were unpopular.
2. He faced draconian penalties for his actions.
3. The draconian measures upset the public.
4. The school has a draconian policy on tardiness.


CONTEXT: It opens with a sparkling essay on Justice A.M. Khanwilkar who, more than any other judge in recent times, has emasculated human rights and liberty.

SOURCE: The Hindu

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Obnoxious is when something or someone is really annoying or rude. It’s like a buzzing mosquito that won’t go away when you’re trying to sleep.

MEANING: Extremely unpleasant or annoying (adjective).


SYNONYMS: Annoying, Irritating, Bothersome, Offensive, Unpleasant, Grating, Disagreeable

1. The obnoxious noise kept everyone awake.
2. He was obnoxious and rude during the meeting.
3. She found his jokes to be obnoxious.
4. The obnoxious behavior was not welcomed.


CONTEXT: It opens with a sparkling essay on Justice A.M. Khanwilkar who, more than any other judge in recent times, has emasculated human rights and liberty.

SOURCE: The Hindu

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Hallowed means something is really special and important, like a treasure. It’s so special that people treat it with lots of respect, like a magical castle in a fairy tale.

MEANING: Regarded as holy or sacred; deeply respected (adjective).


SYNONYMS: Sacred, Holy, Blessed, Consecrated, Revered, Sanctified, Venerable

1. The church is a hallowed place.
2. The hallowed halls of the university are filled with history.
3. The flag is a hallowed symbol of the nation.
4. The tradition is hallowed by many generations.



Vocabulary PDF

Harnessing the use of Vocabulary PDF: An Effective Learning Tool

Developing a broad vocabulary plays a vital role in enriching communication skills. Among the tools available, a good vocabulary PDF can be an invaluable resource. But how can one effectively learn from a vocabulary PDF? Let’s uncover the strategies to maximize benefits from this unique tool.

To begin with, the organisation of a vocabulary PDF usually follows a methodical structure. Words are often grouped by themes, complexity, or frequency of usage, providing you with a pathway for strategic learning. So, start by reviewing the layout of your vocabulary PDF and plan your study schedule. This overview allows for a structured and systematic approach to learning.

Next, ensure you comprehend the context of the words presented in the vocabulary PDF. Words are dynamic entities with meanings often reliant on usage. So, make it a point to explore these words beyond the vocabulary PDF, observe them in diverse contexts in literary works, articles, and conversational language to grasp their wide-ranging applications.

Additionally, to bolster retention, apply the vocabulary from the PDF in your daily conversations and writings. Active usage strengthens memory association and helps to cement these words in your long-term memory. So, consistently practicing words from the vocabulary PDF is a sure way to enhance your lexicon.

Creating mnemonic devices from words in the vocabulary PDF can also prove beneficial. These memory devices help in creating associations, stories, or images connected to the words, making the process of recalling them easier and more enjoyable.

Lastly, revisit the vocabulary PDF regularly. Repetition or spaced learning is key to memory retention. Devote time in your study schedule for reviewing previous words, resorting to frequent and consistent revisions.

In essence, learning efficiently from a vocabulary PDF involves exploring the structure, understanding context, integrating words into daily use, leveraging mnemonic devices, and performing regular reviews. With this approach, a vocabulary PDF can transform into a potent tool in your vocabulary expansion journey.

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