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Daily Vocabulary Words: List of Daily Used Words
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Our endeavour here is straightforward: highlighting important daily vocabulary words, you would encounter in The Hindu. This is your repository of commonly used words; essentially, we are posting a list of daily used words. Hence, this has significant practical application as it teaches you words that are commonly used in a leading publication such as The Hindu.
Visit the website daily to learn words from The Hindu.


CONTEXT: The ostensible reason for the election delay was the reorganisation Act’s requirement of a fresh delimitation of constituencies following their expansion to 114 from 107.

SOURCE: The Hindu

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Ostensible means something looks one way but might be different in reality. Imagine you have a box that looks like it’s full of cookies, but when you open it, you find vegetables inside. The box had an ostensible purpose of holding cookies, but it actually had veggies!

MEANING: Appearing to be true, but not necessarily so; outwardly displayed or professed (Adjective).


SYNONYMS: Apparent, Seeming, Alleged, Supposed, Pretended, Surface

1. The ostensible reason for the meeting was less important than the hidden agenda.
2. She was ostensible in her support for the project, but secretly she didn’t like it.
3. The ostensible goal of the campaign was to raise awareness.
4. His ostensible friendship masked his true intentions.


CONTEXT: The ostensible reason for the election delay was the reorganisation Act’s requirement of a fresh delimitation of constituencies following their expansion to 114 from 107.

SOURCE: The Hindu

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Delimitation is like drawing lines to show where something starts and ends. Imagine you’re building a sandcastle at the beach, and you draw a circle in the sand around it. That circle is the delimitation of your kingdom!

MEANING: The act of marking or fixing the boundaries or limits of something (Noun).

PRONUNCIATION: dee-lim-i-TAY-shun

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SYNONYMS: Boundary, Limit, Border, Demarcation, Separation, Definition

1. The delimitation of the study area was the first step in their research.
2. The treaty involved the delimitation of national borders.
3. She appreciated the delimitation of responsibilities in the team.
4. The delimitation of the wildlife preserve was clearly marked.


CONTEXT: Its recommendations raised two concerns: it gave six of seven new seats to Jammu and only one to the Valley, derogating from the democratic principle of equal representation.

SOURCE: The Hindu

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Derogating means saying bad things about someone or something to make them seem less important. It’s like if someone made a really nice painting and you said, “Well, anyone could do that.” That’s not very nice, is it?

MEANING: To belittle or show disrespect for someone or something; to detract from the importance or quality of (Verb).


SYNONYMS: Disparaging, Belittling, Decrying, Denigrating, Discrediting, Devaluing

1. He was derogating his competitor to gain an advantage.
2. The review was derogating the movie unfairly.
3. She regretted derogating her own achievements.
4. The speaker was accused of derogating the traditions of the community.


CONTEXT: Pandit migrants have been elected without reservation for decades, even during the insurgency and after their exodus.

SOURCE: The Hindu

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Insurgency is when a group of people try to take over or change the rules of a place where they live, but they’re not the ones in charge. Imagine if a bunch of kids in a school decided they didn’t like the rules and started making their own—it would be like that, but usually more serious and sometimes dangerous.

MEANING: An organized rebellion or uprising against an authority or government (Noun).


SYNONYMS: Rebellion, Revolt, Uprising, Resistance, Mutiny, Revolution

1. The government was concerned about the growing insurgency.
2. The insurgency was led by a group of young activists.
3. They were arrested for supporting the insurgency.
4. The insurgency disrupted the peace in the region.


CONTEXT: The idea of according to justice or nyaya may be the ultimate end, but every kind of criminalisation means encroachment on liberties and decimation of freedoms.

SOURCE: The Hindu

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Encroachment is when someone or something starts to take up space that isn’t theirs. Imagine you have a little area where you keep your toys, and then your sibling starts putting their toys there too without asking you. That’s encroachment!

MEANING: The act of intruding or taking over someone else’s space, rights, or privileges (Noun).


SYNONYMS: Intrusion, Invasion, Trespass, Violation, Infringement, Usurpation

1. The encroachment of the city into the countryside is a concern.
2. She was upset about the encroachment on her privacy.
3. The encroachment of invasive species threatens the ecosystem.
4. The community fought against the encroachment of big corporations.


CONTEXT: His claim has some basis: BRS cadres staunchly opposed Ms. Sharmila’s padayatra after the launch of her new party and clashed with her cadres in some constituencies too.

SOURCE: The Hindu

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Staunchly means being very strong and firm in what you believe. Like if you love chocolate ice cream and no one can tell you otherwise—that’s being staunchly in favor of chocolate ice cream!

MEANING: In a very committed or strong manner; resolutely (Adverb).


SYNONYMS: Firmly, Resolutely, Steadfastly, Strongly, Unwaveringly, Loyal

1. He staunchly defended his friend in the argument.
2. She was staunchly opposed to the new policy.
3. The team staunchly believed they would win.
4. He staunchly advocated for animal rights.


CONTEXT: In Gabon, the Republican Guard, a unit of the armed forces whose job was to protect the President, moved to seize power after the incumbent, Ali Bongo, was declared the winner of a disputed election.

SOURCE: The Hindu

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Incumbent is a person who already has a job or position and might need to defend it when someone else wants to take it. Like if you’re the captain of your soccer team, you’re the incumbent captain until the next captain is chosen!

MEANING: A person who currently holds a particular office or position (Noun).


SYNONYMS: Officeholder, Current Holder, Occupant, In-office, In-situ, Sitting

1. The incumbent mayor is running for reelection.
2. As the incumbent, she had the advantage of experience.
3. The incumbent company had the largest market share.
4. It is the duty of the incumbent to train their successor.


CONTEXT: But that election ushered in 12 years of peace-building, with two free and fair elections.

SOURCE: The Hindu

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Ushered means to guide or lead someone somewhere. Like if you take your friend’s hand to show them your new playroom, you’ve ushered them into the playroom!

MEANING: To guide or lead someone or something into a place or situation (Verb).


SYNONYMS: Escorted, Guided, Conducted, Showed, Led, Accompanied

1. She ushered her guests into the dining room.
2. The announcement ushered in a new era of technology.
3. He ushered the students into the auditorium.
4. The conductor ushered the orchestra through the symphony.


CONTEXT: The government, by introducing in the Lok Sabha three penal Bills which it says “aim to decolonise the Indian justice system,” has rightly exercised its prerogative.

SOURCE: The Hindu

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Prerogative is a special right or privilege that someone has. Like, a teacher has the prerogative to give you homework because they’re the teacher—that’s part of their job!

MEANING: A special right or privilege that belongs to a person or group in a particular social position (Noun).


SYNONYMS: Privilege, Right, Advantage, Entitlement, Benefit, Liberty

1. It’s the president’s prerogative to choose the cabinet members.
2. As a senior member, you have the prerogative to select your office.
3. It’s my prerogative to change my mind.
4. Freedom of speech is a constitutional prerogative.


CONTEXT: The first is that penal law-making and reform are serious issues which require deep deliberation and empirical validation.

SOURCE: The Hindu

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Deliberation is when you think really carefully before making a decision. Imagine you’re choosing between chocolate and vanilla ice cream, and you take a long time to decide because you like both. That’s deliberation!

MEANING: The act of carefully considering or discussing something before making a decision (Noun).

PRONUNCIATION: deh-lib-er-AY-shun

SYNONYMS: Consideration, Thought, Reflection, Discussion, Contemplation, Examination

1. After much deliberation, they chose the perfect name for their baby.
2. The jury returned a verdict after two hours of deliberation.
3. The meeting was marked by serious deliberation on the issue.
4. She needed a moment of deliberation before answering the question.



Vocabulary Hard Words

Tackling Vocabulary Hard Words: Tips for Effective Learning

For many language learners, tackling ‘vocabulary hard words’ can seem like scaling an intimidating mountain. These are words that are typically complex, contain multiple syllables, or are uncommon in everyday conversation. However, with tailored learning strategies, conquering ‘vocabulary hard words’ not only becomes feasible but also intriguing and rewarding.

The journey to mastering ‘vocabulary hard words’ typically begins with identifying the areas in language where these words linger: advanced literature, scientific texts, or even high-level conversations. Generating a list of such words serves as a starting point.

One effective way to learn ‘vocabulary hard words’ is to break them down into smaller chunks or syllables. This process simplifies the complex words, making them less daunting and easier to grasp. Remember, every word – no matter how challenging it may be, can be untangled by breaking it down.

Using ‘vocabulary hard words’ in sentences is another way to make them more approachable. By doing this, you not only understand their meaning but also contextualize them, ensuring that they embed deeper into your memory. The more you utilize these ‘vocabulary hard words’, the more natural they feel.

Another critical technique involves practicing pronunciation. Many ‘vocabulary hard words’ are challenging due to their pronunciation. Hence, taking the time to repeat these words, listen to their correct pronunciation and sound them out loud aids immensely in the process.

Flashcards, with the word on one side and its definition on the other, can also be essential in learning ‘vocabulary hard words’. Reviewing these flashcards regularly solidifies these words in your conscious knowledge.

Ultimately, the secret to conquering ‘vocabulary hard words’ lies in consistent practice, perseverance, and patience. Various learning strategies can aid in this journey, but it is your enduring effort that would truly help you master ‘vocabulary hard words’ and enrich your language skills.

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