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Current Affairs Quiz 29th January 2023

Directions for the quiz:

1. This quiz, that is the Current Affairs Quiz 29th January 2023, is meant to be a check for your learning and is meant to serve as a tool for assessment.

2. Current Affairs Quiz 29th January 2023 is designed to check your Current Affairs General Knowledge and provide you with an assessment of the same.

3. Each question in Current Affairs Quiz 29th January 2023 followed by 4 options. Select the most appropriate option for the question.

4. Before you take this quiz, we would recommend to you to go through the article,Daily Current Affairs Today 29th January 2023

Question 1:
Who captained the Indian women’s cricket team in the ICC Under-19’s T20 World Cup 2023?

A) Titas Sadhu
B) Grace Scrivens
C) Shafali Verma
D) Jay Shah

Answer and Explanation

Answer: C

  • Explanation: Shafali Verma led the Indian women’s cricket team in the ICC Under-19’s T20 World Cup 2023.

Question 2:
Which Nepali cricketer was awarded the ICC Spirit of Cricket Award for 2022?

A) Balbirnie
B) Andy McBrine
C) Aasif Sheikh
D) Sports Aasif

Answer and Explanation

Answer: C

  • Explanation: Aasif Sheikh, the Nepali wicketkeeper, received the ICC Spirit of Cricket Award for 2022 for his noble gesture on the cricket pitch during a T20 International match.

Question 3:
Who has been elected as the president of the Czech Republic?

A) Andrej Babis
B) Petr Pavel
C) Jay Shah
D) NATO General

Answer and Explanation

Answer: B

  • Explanation: Petr Pavel, a former head of the NATO military committee, was elected as the president of the Czech Republic.

Question 4:
As of January 20, 2023, what was the total of India’s foreign exchange reserves?

A) 561.583 billion Dollars
B) 573.727 billion Dollars
C) 503.65 billion Dollars
D) 1.727 billion Dollars

Answer and Explanation

Answer: B

  • Explanation: As of January 20, 2023, India’s foreign exchange reserves amounted to 573.727 billion dollars , as reported by The Reserve Bank of India.
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