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Current Affairs Quiz 28th July 2023

Directions for the quiz:

1. This quiz, that is the Current Affairs Quiz 28th July 2023, is meant to be a check for your learning and is meant to serve as a tool for assessment.

2. Current Affairs Quiz 28th July 2023 is designed to check your Current Affairs General Knowledge and provide you with an assessment of the same.

3. Each question in Current Affairs Quiz 28th July 2023 followed by 4 options. Select the most appropriate option for the question.

4. Before you take this quiz, we would recommend to you to go through the article,Daily Current Affairs Today 28th July 2023


Question 1:

Who recently urged the Sri Lankan President to implement the 13th Amendment?

A) The President of India

B) The Prime Minister of India

C) The Home Minister of India

D) The External Affairs Minister of India

Answer and Explanation

Answer: B

  • Explanation: The correct answer is B. During a recent meet with the Sri Lankan President in India, PM Modi highlighted the significance of adopting the 13th Amendment in the Sri Lankan Constitution.


Question 2:

What is the main purpose of the 13th Amendment to the Sri Lanka Constitution?

A) Improving trade relations

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B) Deciding territorial boundaries

C) Strengthening military ties

D) Transferring powers to provinces

Answer and Explanation

Answer: D

  • Explanation: The correct answer is D. The 13th Amendment seeks to devolve certain powers like health and agriculture to the nation’s provinces.


Question 3:

Which act is proposed to be amended to digitize birth records?

A) Aadhaar Act 2016

B) Digital India Act 2015

C) Registration of Birth and Death Act 1969

D) Information Technology Act 2000

Answer and Explanation

Answer: C

  • Explanation: The correct answer is C. The Central Home Ministry has put forth a bill to revise the Registration of Birth and Death Act from 1969 with the aim of transitioning birth records to a digital format.


Question 4:

Who designed the revamped Pragati Maidan complex known as ‘Bharat Mandapam’?


B) Aedas and Arcop

C) Larsen & Toubro


Answer and Explanation

Answer: B

  • Explanation: The correct answer is B. The modernized Pragati Maidan area in Delhi, named ‘Bharat Mandapam’, was designed by the globally recognized firm Aedas and India’s Arcop.


Question 5:

How many major big cat species will the International Big Cat Alliance aim to conserve?

A) Five

B) Eight

C) Six

D) Seven

Answer and Explanation

Answer: D

  • Explanation: The correct answer is D. The International Big Cat Alliance concentrates on the conservation of seven primary big cat species globally.


Question 6:

What has UNESCO proposed regarding smartphones?

A) Global production cut

B) Increase in prices

C) Ban in schools globally

D) Mandatory registration

Answer and Explanation

Answer: C

  • Explanation: The correct answer is C. UNESCO advocates for a worldwide prohibition on smartphones within school premises.


Question 7:

Which city became the first Indian city to join the World Cities Culture Forum?

A) Mumbai

B) Delhi

C) Kolkata

D) Bengaluru

Answer and Explanation

Answer: D

  • Explanation: The correct answer is D. Bengaluru, Karnataka’s capital, has the distinction of being the inaugural Indian city to associate with the World Cities Culture Forum.


Question 8:

By when is India predicted to become the third-largest economy according to SBI Research?

A) FY26

B) FY27

C) FY29

D) FY28

Answer and Explanation

Answer: D

  • Explanation: The correct answer is D. A recent note by SBI Research economists predicts India ascending to the position of the third-largest economy by FY28.


Question 9:

How many banks have been permitted by RBI to open Special Rupee Vostro Accounts?

A) 10

B) 25

C) 15

D) 20

Answer and Explanation

Answer: D

  • Explanation: The correct answer is D. RBI has authorized 20 banks in India to initiate 92 Special Rupee Vostro Accounts with corresponding banks across 22 nations.


Question 10:

How much worth of bad loans did Indian banks write off in 2022-23?

A) Rs 2.09 lakh crore

B) Rs 1.5 lakh crore

C) Rs 3 lakh crore

D) Rs 2.5 lakh crore

Answer and Explanation

Answer: A

  • Explanation: The correct answer is A. For the fiscal year concluding in March 2023, Indian banks nullified bad loans amounting to Rs 2.09 lakh crore.


Question 11:

When is World Hepatitis Day observed?

A) June 28th

B) July 18th

C) July 28th

D) June 18th

Answer and Explanation

Answer: C

  • Explanation: The correct answer is C. World Hepatitis Day is observed annually on July 28.


Question 12:

With whom did India AI recently form a collaborative partnership?

A) Google

B) Apple

C) Meta

D) Microsoft

Answer and Explanation

Answer: C

  • Explanation: The correct answer is C. India AI has collaborated with Meta to bolster advancements in AI & other emergent technologies.


Question 13:

What is the amount of the loan signed between India and ADB for Bihar’s infrastructure?

A) $295 million

B) $200 million

C) $350 million

D) $250 million

Answer and Explanation

Answer: A

  • Explanation: The correct answer is A. The Indian government and the Asian Development Bank (ADB) have consented to a $295 million loan to bolster Bihar’s infrastructure.


Question 14:

Which year’s theme for World Hepatitis Day is ‘one life, one liver’?

A) 2020

B) 2021

C) 2023

D) 2022

Answer and Explanation

Answer: C

  • Explanation: The correctanswer is C. For the year 2023, the theme of World Hepatitis Day is ‘one life, one liver’.
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