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Daily Current Affairs 8th October 2023: Your guide for daily General Knowledge Preparation

Dear Readers,

This post contains important current affairs of 8th October 2023. It includes all Major National, International, Business and Sports related current affairs of 8th October 2023. A brief explanation of every current affair is provided to further enhance your general knowledge. Once you have gone through these current affairs we would recommend to you to try 8th October 2023 Current affairs test.


Sports Updates

1. Asian Games 2023 Achievements for India:

  • Indian female kabaddi players clinched the gold medal by overpowering the Chinese Taipei team during the 19th Asian Games held in Hangzhou.
  • Noteworthy Performances:
    • The Indian men’s kabaddi group secured a gold medal after their victory against Iran.
    • The badminton duo, Chirag Shetty and Satwiksairaj Rankireddy, achieved gold in the mixed doubles category.
    • The men’s cricket squad from India garnered gold following their match with Afghanistan.
    • The Indian women’s hockey team achieved a bronze medal after their triumph over Japan.

Significant Dates

2. Observance of World Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Day – October 8th:

  • This day is marked to investigate the immense potential of hydrogen as a renewable energy resource.
  • Purpose: To raise public awareness about the clean nature of hydrogen and the adaptability of fuel cell technologies.
  • Goal: Recognizing the promise of hydrogen and fuel cells in confronting the global climate crisis.

Diplomatic Developments

3. India-Saudi Arabia Electrical Collaboration:

  • An MoU has been finalized between India and Saudi Arabia in Riyadh, focusing on Electrical Interconnections, Clean Hydrogen, and related Supply Chains.
  • Intent: To lay the groundwork for bilateral collaboration in electrical interconnection.
  • Furthermore, both nations’ energy chiefs have agreed on hosting B2B summits and fostering regular business interactions to solidify the entire supply infrastructure.

Domestic News

4. Collaboration between PATA and India for Travel for LiFE:

  • The Pacific Asia Travel Association (PATA) pledged collaboration with India to expand the Travel for LiFE campaign throughout the Asia-Pacific territory.
  • A special PATA desk will be established by the Ministry of Tourism to deepen the alliance on Travel for LiFE and other tourism-related areas.
  • The ethos of Travel for LiFE resonates with being eco-friendly and sustainable, focusing on a planetary lifestyle.

Significant Dates

5. Commemorating the Indian Air Force Day – October 8th, 2023:

  • Marking the 91st year, the Indian Air Force Day is celebrated on 8th October annually.
  • 2023’s theme is: ‘IAF – Pushing the Limits of Airpower’.
  • Globally, the Indian Air Force ranks fourth, following the air forces of the USA, China, and Russia.
  • The celebration venue is Prayagraj, a sacred Hindu pilgrimage site.
  • Iconic MIG-21 jets, originally from Russia, will make their final appearance in the Indian Air Force Day parade.

Regional News

6. Launch of Aadi Mahotsav in Jharkhand:

  • The Union Tribal Affairs Minister, Arjun Munda, unveiled the Aadi Mahotsav festival, a 10-day tribal fest in Jamshedpur.
  • Scheduled from 7th to 16th October 2023.
  • Purpose: To offer a platform to engage with tribal artisans, understand their culture, and appreciate their traditions.
  • It celebrates the tribal heritage, diverse cultures, and the tribes themselves.

Awards & Recognitions

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7. Arunachal Pradesh’s Indigenous Products Earn GI Tags:

  • Three local products from Arunachal Pradesh, namely Yak Churpi, Khamti rice, and Tangsa textile, have been awarded the Geographical Indication tag.
  • Product Insights:
    • Yak Churpi: A cheese derived from the Arunachali yak’s milk.
    • Tangsa Textile: Textile artifacts from the Tangsa tribe in Changlang district are renowned for their vibrant patterns and hues.
    • Khamti Rice: A sticky rice variant cultivated in the Namsai district.

Banking & Economic News

8. ADB’s Financial Support for Assam:

  • The Asian Development Bank approved a financial aid of $200 million to enhance Assam’s resilience against floods and riverbank erosion.
  • This initiative builds upon the success of the ADB-backed Assam Integrated Flood and Riverbank Erosion Risk Management program from 2010 to 2020.
  • Objective: Beyond enhancing disaster resilience, the project seeks to uplift women through resilient economic ventures, targeting to benefit approximately a million individuals and enhance crop yield by over 50,000 hectares.

Scientific Innovations

9. NASA’s Upcoming Mission – Psyche:

  • NASA plans to dispatch a state-of-the-art spacecraft named Psyche to explore the asteroid, 16 Psyche.
  • This mission is distinctive as it aims to examine an asteroid rich in metals.
  • The primary goal is to provide insights into the formation of terrestrial planets in our solar system.
  • The mission is slated for a launch on 12th October, with Psyche embarking on its journey from NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida, spanning a distance of 2.2 billion miles.

10. Europe’s Pioneering Private Rocket Launch in Spain:

  • PLD Space, a Spanish enterprise, marked a milestone by launching the Miura1 rocket, the first entirely private rocket launch in Europe.
  • The recoverable Miura1 rocket was propelled from a location in southwestern Spain.
  • This initiative is perceived as a rejuvenation of Europe’s dormant space aspirations.
  • Named after a famous fighting bull breed, the Miura1 rocket stands as tall as a three-floor building and can carry up to 100 kg (220-pound) of payload.
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