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Daily Vocabulary Words: List of Daily Used Words in Leading Indian Newspapers
Hi there. Welcome to this special section @ Wordpandit. Our endeavour here is straightforward: highlighting daily vocabulary words that you would come across in leading newspapers in the country. We have included the following newspapers in our selection:
• The Times of India
• The Economic Times
• Hindustan Times
• Mint
• Indian Express
We are putting in extensive work to develop your vocabulary. All you have to do is be regular with this section and check out this post daily. This is your repository of commonly used words; essentially, we are posting a list of daily used words. Hence, this has significant practical application as it teaches you words that are commonly used in leading publications mentioned above.
Visit the website daily to learn words from leading Indian newspapers.

Monopoly Picture Vocabulary

WORD-1: Monopoly

CONTEXT: A San Francisco jury took less than four hours to decide on Monday that Google was running an illegal monopoly designed to exact huge fees from app developers. The verdict was a huge victory for Epic Games—the maker of the game Fortnite—and signals that the onerous terms imposed by Google and Apple for using their walled-offed app stores may be on the way out—but not for a while yet.

SOURCE: Livemint

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Imagine if only one store in town sold toys, and you couldn’t buy toys anywhere else. That store would have a ‘monopoly’ on toy selling. It means they are the only ones who can sell toys, and no one else can.

MEANING: Exclusive control or possession of something by one person or organization (Noun).

PRONUNCIATION: muh-nop-uh-lee

SYNONYMS: Dominance, Control, Exclusive possession, Command, Sole ownership.

1. The company had a monopoly in the smartphone market.
2. Breaking the monopoly of traditional publishers is important for new writers.
3. Government regulations prevent monopolies in certain industries.
4. The game Monopoly is about gaining control of property and wealth.

Onerous Picture Vocabulary

WORD-2: Onerous

CONTEXT: A San Francisco jury took less than four hours to decide on Monday that Google was running an illegal monopoly designed to exact huge fees from app developers. The verdict was a huge victory for Epic Games—the maker of the game Fortnite—and signals that the onerous terms imposed by Google and Apple for using their walled-offed app stores may be on the way out—but not for a while yet.

SOURCE: Livemint

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: When something is very hard to do, like cleaning your entire house all by yourself, it’s called ‘onerous’. It’s like having a really big, tough job that can make you tired.

MEANING: Involving a great deal of effort, trouble, or difficulty (Adjective).


SYNONYMS: Burdensome, Heavy, Laborious, Taxing, Arduous.

1. The onerous task of cleaning the garage took all day.
2. Many people find tax forms onerous to fill out.
3. The onerous duties of the job led to high employee turnover.
4. He faced the onerous challenge of climbing the mountain.


WORD-3: Circumvent

CONTEXT: Epic, which sued both Google parent Alphabet Inc and Apple in 2020, was being kicked out of Google’s Play Store and Apple’s App Store for attempting to circumvent these app stores’ required payment systems—and the thick slice of up to 30% that the duo take for themselves on transactions going through them.

SOURCE: Livemint

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: If you find a clever way to get around a problem or rule, like finding a secret path to avoid a blocked road, you ‘circumvent’ it. It’s like being sneaky to avoid something difficult or unpleasant.

MEANING: To find a way around an obstacle or to overcome a problem in a clever and sometimes dishonest way (Verb).

PRONUNCIATION: sur-kuhm-vent

SYNONYMS: Avoid, Bypass, Skirt, Evade, Dodge.

1. She found a way to circumvent the school’s strict dress code.
2. The company tried to circumvent the new regulations.
3. To circumvent traffic, he took a different route.
4. Hackers often try to circumvent security measures.


WORD-4: Heralded

CONTEXT: While Epic lost its case against Apple, its victory against Google—which said it has plans to appeal—is already being heralded as a turning point in the global mobile app economy, one that stands to help companies like Epic make many billions of dollars more in revenue each year.

SOURCE: Livemint

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: When something important is about to happen, and someone announces it or shows signs of it, like when you see dark clouds and say it’s going to rain, that’s being ‘heralded’. It’s like giving a big announcement.

MEANING: Announced or shown as a sign that something is coming (Verb).

PRONUNCIATION: her-uhld-ed

SYNONYMS: Announced, Proclaimed, Signaled, Foretold, Indicated.

1. The invention of the smartphone was heralded as a technological breakthrough.
2. The warm weather heralded the beginning of spring.
3. His arrival was heralded with great fanfare.
4. The economic report was heralded as good news for investors.

Knight In Shining Armour Picture Vocabulary

WORD-5: Knight in shining armour

CONTEXT: Many developers don’t see it that way, and it’s through Epic that they have found a knight in shining armour with the deep pockets required to wage a fight against app stores.

SOURCE: Livemint

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Imagine a brave person in shiny armor who comes to help when someone is in trouble, like a superhero. That person is like a ‘knight in shining armour’. It means someone who saves or helps others in a really good way.

MEANING: A person who comes to someone’s rescue or defense, often in a gallant and dramatic manner (Noun phrase).

PRONUNCIATION: nite in shahy-ning ar-mur

SYNONYMS: Rescuer, Savior, Hero, Protector, Defender.

1. He felt like a knight in shining armour when he helped her fix her car.
2. Many fairy tales feature a knight in shining armour rescuing a damsel in distress.
3. She always dreamed of a knight in shining armour to sweep her off her feet.
4. The firefighter was hailed as a knight in shining armour for saving the children.

Deep Pockets Picture Vocabulary

WORD-6: Deep pockets

CONTEXT: Many developers don’t see it that way, and it’s through Epic that they have found a knight in shining armour with the deep pockets required to wage a fight against app stores.

SOURCE: Livemint

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: When someone has a lot of money, like they can buy lots of toys and treats, we say they have ‘deep pockets’. It’s like having a big wallet that never runs out of money.

MEANING: Having a lot of financial resources or wealth (Noun phrase).

PRONUNCIATION: deep pock-its

SYNONYMS: Wealthy, Rich, Affluent, Well-off, Prosperous.

1. The company’s deep pockets allowed it to invest in new technology.
2. He was known for his deep pockets and generous donations.
3. The city needed someone with deep pockets to fund the new park.
4. Celebrities are often assumed to have deep pockets.

Egregious Picture Vocabulary

WORD-7: Egregious

CONTEXT: It’s important to consider why Epic won its case against Google but lost against Apple. What marked Google’s behaviour as particularly egregious was the immense effort to deter potential competitors from launching mobile app distribution efforts of their own.

SOURCE: Livemint

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: When someone does something really bad or wrong, like breaking a really important rule, it’s called ‘egregious’. It’s like being extra naughty or making a big mistake.

MEANING: Outstandingly bad or shocking in a negative way (Adjective).

PRONUNCIATION: ih-gree-juhs

SYNONYMS: Shocking, Appalling, Horrific, Outrageous, Atrocious.

1. The judge described the crime as an egregious act.
2. Her behavior at the party was egregious and unacceptable.
3. The company’s neglect of safety was an egregious error.
4. He apologized for his egregious mistake during the presentation.


WORD-8: Predictable

CONTEXT: The recent release of India’s second-quarter GDP estimates has provoked a lot of discussion, some of which is on predictable lines. One strand of it focuses on the fact that since a GDP base revision is long overdue, these estimates are unreliable because they do not adequately capture the informal sector (i.e., the household sector). Stated this way, the criticism is unexceptional because it is true that a GDP base revision is now overdue. However, some go on to conclude from this that the GDP estimates are consequently over-estimated.

SOURCE: Livemint

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: If you can guess what is going to happen, like knowing a story so well you know what comes next, that’s ‘predictable’. It’s when things happen just as you expect them to.

MEANING: Able to be foreseen or declared in advance; lacking in originality and thus easy to foresee (Adjective).

PRONUNCIATION: pri-dik-tuh-buhl

SYNONYMS: Expected, Foreseeable, Anticipated, Obvious, Routine.

1. The ending of the movie was quite predictable.
2. His reaction to the news was predictable.
3. The plot of the novel was too predictable for my liking.
4. Predictable weather patterns help farmers plan their crops.


WORD-9: Unexceptional

CONTEXT: The recent release of India’s second-quarter GDP estimates has provoked a lot of discussion, some of which is on predictable lines. One strand of it focuses on the fact that since a GDP base revision is long overdue, these estimates are unreliable because they do not adequately capture the informal sector (i.e., the household sector). Stated this way, the criticism is unexceptional because it is true that a GDP base revision is now overdue. However, some go on to conclude from this that the GDP estimates are consequently over-estimated.

SOURCE: Livemint

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: When something is normal or not very special, like a regular day with nothing exciting happening, it’s called ‘unexceptional’. It’s like being ordinary or usual.

MEANING: Not out of the ordinary; typical or normal (Adjective).

PRONUNCIATION: un-ik-sep-shuh-nuhl

SYNONYMS: Ordinary, Average, Commonplace, Standard, Regular.

1. The meal was unexceptional but satisfying.
2. His performance was unexceptional, neither good nor bad.
3. The scenery was pretty but unexceptional.
4. The day passed in an unexceptional manner.


WORD-10: Unwarranted

CONTEXT: This latter conclusion may be unwarranted. The argument for over-estimation is that the country’s informal sector after both demonetization and covid has seen a serious decline both in numbers and in its ability to contribute to economic value addition.

SOURCE: Livemint

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: When something is not needed or not right, like getting upset for no reason, it’s called ‘unwarranted’. It’s like having a big reaction when there’s no good reason for it.

MEANING: Not justified or authorized; unnecessary (Adjective).

PRONUNCIATION: un-wor-un-tid

SYNONYMS: Unjustified, Undue, Unnecessary, Baseless, Groundless.

1. His criticism of the project was unwarranted.
2. The public’s fear was unwarranted, as the situation was under control.
3. She felt that the media attention was unwarranted.
4. The teacher’s harsh punishment was unwarranted.



vocabulary games for adults

Title: Unleashing the Power of Words: Vocabulary Games for Adults

Learning new words and expanding one’s lexical range should not be confined to the four walls of a classroom nor should it be deemed an activity exclusively meant for children. Yes, we’re talking about ‘vocabulary games for adults,’ a fun and interactive way to intensify language skills and broaden intellectual horizons.

Often, people associate the term ‘vocabulary games for adults’ with something overwhelming or tedious. However, its essence is quite the opposite: to transform the otherwise mundane process of vocabulary augmentation into an engaging, enjoyable experience. Such games enable adults to step out of their comfort zone, explore the vast world of words, and become more articulate and proficient in communication.

Vocabulary games for adults are ideally designed to challenge the mind and stimulate curiosity. Rather than the constant flipping of flashcards or poring through dictionaries, these games incorporate a playful element, ensuring the learning experience is not just effective but also entertaining. They help in retaining new words better and applying them more fluidly in everyday conversation.

Ranging from online crossword puzzles, word searches to mobile applications, there are umpteen vocabulary games for adults available at the tips of your fingers, seamlessly merging learning with leisure. Not forgetting the traditional Scrabble or Boggle which not only test players’ vocabulary but also their strategic abilities.

But how should vocabulary games for adults be learned and incorporated into daily life? The key here is not to complicate it. Committing to fifteen or twenty minutes of gameplay a day, perhaps during your commute or break time, can lead to significant improvement over time. Remember, it’s not about winning; it’s about progressively expanding your diction.

In conclusion, vocabulary games for adults are not only an excellent tool for wordsmiths but also for those seeking to reinforce their linguistic competence or simply with the desire to learn. So why wait? Add a fun twist to your daily routine with vocabulary games for adults and become a wordsmith yourself!

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