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Daily Vocabulary Words: List of Daily Used Words
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Our endeavour here is straightforward: highlighting important daily vocabulary words, you would encounter in The Hindu. This is your repository of commonly used words; essentially, we are posting a list of daily used words. Hence, this has significant practical application as it teaches you words that are commonly used in a leading publication such as The Hindu.
Visit the website daily to learn words from The Hindu.

Intrinsically Picture Vocabulary

WORD-1: Intrinsically

CONTEXT: The U.K.’s national prosperity is intrinsically linked to international markets and having a voice and presence within them is essential; the establishment in 2023 of the U.K.

SOURCE: The Hindu

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Imagine something is special or important just because of what it is, not because of what it looks like or anything else. It’s like your favorite teddy bear that is special to you no matter what because you love it, that’s being special “intrinsically.”

MEANING: Relating to the basic or essential nature of something (adverb).


SYNONYMS: Essentially, Fundamentally, Naturally, Inherently, Basically

1. The story was intrinsically interesting to the children.
2. She believed that nature is intrinsically valuable.
3. Intrinsically, the project had a lot of potential.
4. The idea was intrinsically linked to their culture.

WORD-2: Dissent

CONTEXT: The death of Alexei Navalny, who was serving sentences adding up to more than 30 years on various charges, in a remote prison in Russia’s Arctic region, is a chilling reminder of the status of dissent in the state Vladimir Putin has built.

SOURCE: The Hindu

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: When you think differently or don’t agree with what others think, it’s like when you want chocolate ice cream but your friend wants vanilla. You’re showing dissent by wanting something different.

MEANING: To hold or express opinions that differ from those previously, comm only, or officially expressed (verb).


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SYNONYMS: Disagreement, Opposition, Nonconformity, Protest, Objection

1. There was a significant amount of dissent among the team members.
2. He expressed his dissent at the meeting.
3. The decision was made with little dissent.
4. They voted with dissent against the proposal.

Annexation Picture Vocabulary

WORD-3: Annexation

CONTEXT: This week marks two years since the full-scale invasion of Ukraine, which began in 2014 with the annexation of Crimea.

SOURCE: The Hindu

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Annexation is like when you build a new room and attach it to your house. The room becomes a part of your house just like that land or place becomes a part of a country or city.

MEANING: The act of adding or attaching something, especially territory, to something else, usually larger (noun).


SYNONYMS: Acquisition, Incorporation, Takeover, Absorption, Merger

1. The annexation of the territory was a historic event.
2. They protested against the annexation.
3. The city planned the annexation of the surrounding land.
4. After the annexation, the map was redrawn.


WORD-4: Staged

CONTEXT: His lawyers had complained about his not getting proper treatment in jail and he had staged hunger strikes.

SOURCE: The Hindu

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Imagine putting on a play in your living room where you pretend to be astronauts. “Staged” means to set up a scene or act something out, just like when you’re playing and pretending in your play.

MEANING: Organized and presented to the public or audience (verb).


SYNONYMS: Arranged, Organized, Performed, Presented, Executed

1. The play was staged at the local theater.
2. They staged a protest downtown.
3. The event was staged to raise awareness.
4. The school staged a musical every year.


WORD-5: Inescapably

CONTEXT: Both our national and maritime strategies are inescapably intertwined. Our nations need to secure, and make free from aggression and exploitation, the global lifelines of goods and resource that flow across the seas and on which our economies rely.

SOURCE: The Hindu

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Think of when you play tag, and no matter where you run, you can’t avoid being “it” at some point. “Inescapably” means you can’t avoid it or get away from it, just like being caught in tag.

MEANING: Unable to be avoided or ignored (adverb).

PRONUNCIATION: in-es-KAY-puh-blee

SYNONYMS: Unavoidably, Inevitably, Necessarily, Unquestionably, Indisputably

1. The consequences were inescapably serious.
2. She was inescapably drawn to the music.
3. The truth was inescapably clear.
4. Their fate was inescapably linked.


WORD-6: Centralising

CONTEXT: The Kremlin is centralising more and more powers in its hands, while the country is fighting a prolonged war abroad.

SOURCE: The Hindu

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Imagine if, at school, one person decided what games everyone played, what snacks to eat, and what songs to sing. “Centralising” means putting all the control or power in one place or with one person.

MEANING: Bringing activities or processes together to one main place or under one authority (verb).


SYNONYMS: Consolidating, Unifying, Concentrating, Focusing, Amalgamating

1. The company is centralising its operations in one main office.
2. They discussed the benefits of centralising the data.
3. Centralising authority can improve efficiency.
4. The government considered centralising healthcare services.

Appellate Picture Vocabulary

WORD-7: Appellate

CONTEXT: It is easy to say that the presence of a litigant is not required in appellate forums but the reality is that every litigant wishes to visit his lawyer and witness court proceedings involving his case.

SOURCE: The Hindu

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Think about if you had a problem with a game and you asked a teacher to help fix it. The teacher is like a helper who listens and tries to solve problems. “Appellate” is a word used for courts or judges who listen to problems about decisions that were already made to see if they were fair.

MEANING: Relating to the process of appealing to a higher court for a decision to be reversed or reevaluated (adjective) (adjective).


SYNONYMS: Judicial, Reviewing, Revisory, Adjudicative, Jurisdictional

1. The appellate court reviewed the case.
2. He specialized in appellate law.
3. The decision was appealed to an appellate jurisdiction.
4. The appellate process can be lengthy.

Demeanour Picture Vocabulary

WORD-8: Demeanour

CONTEXT: Our open court system plays a vital role in ensuring that a judge maintains the appropriate attitude and demeanour.

SOURCE: The Hindu

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Demeanour is how you act or behave, like when you’re really happy and you smile and laugh, or when you’re quiet and calm while reading a book. It’s how you show who you are on the outside.

MEANING: The way a person behaves or appears in front of others (noun).


SYNONYMS: Behavior, Conduct, Manner, Bearing, Comportment

1. Her demeanour changed when she saw the surprise.
2. He maintained a professional demeanour.
3. The teacher’s calm demeanour helped soothe the students.
4. His friendly demeanour made him popular.


WORD-9: Alleviated

CONTEXT: This cannot be alleviated only through usual methods and is highly dependent upon the efforts and efficiency of the Chief Justice.

SOURCE: The Hindu

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Imagine you have a heavy backpack and it’s making your shoulders hurt. Then, someone comes and takes some of the books out so it’s not so heavy anymore. That’s what “alleviated” means – making something less heavy, painful, or bad.

MEANING: Made less severe or intense (verb).

PRONUNCIATION: uh-LEE-vee-ay-tid

SYNONYMS: Relieved, Eased, Mitigated, Reduced, Lessened

1. The medicine alleviated the pain.
2. The new policy alleviated some of our concerns.
3. Efforts were made to alleviate the shortage.
4. The support from friends alleviated her sadness.


WORD-10: Cassation

CONTEXT: The permanent appellate court, like in the U.S., should include nine of the senior-most judges from the cassation courts.

SOURCE: The Hindu

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Imagine if you made a big tower out of blocks and then decided it wasn’t right, so you took it apart to start over. “Cassation” is a fancy word used in law when a higher court decides to cancel a decision made by a lower court, kind of like taking apart the tower to fix something.

MEANING: The annulment or cancellation of a court decision by a higher court (noun).


SYNONYMS: Overturning, Revocation, Nullification, Repeal, Abrogation

1. The cassation of the verdict was a relief to many.
2. The Supreme Court has the power of cassation.
3. They filed for cassation of the judgment.
4. The cassation process is complex and rigorous.



Vocabulary English

Title: “Unlocking Language Power: Mastering ‘Vocabulary English'”

In the fascinating journey of language exploration, ‘vocabulary English’ stands as a powerful pillar. It represents the diverse array of words that bring thoughts and emotions to life. However, to unlock the full potential of ‘vocabulary English’, it’s necessary to adopt a comprehensive and strategic approach.

Understanding ‘vocabulary English’ goes beyond the mere repetition of words. It demands an intricate weave of understanding, memorization, and application. To grasp the essence of the ‘vocabulary English’, diversify your language resources. Engage with novels, biographies, news articles, and digital content to introduce yourself to words in real-world contexts.

A key to mastering ‘vocabulary English’ involves leveraging effective memory techniques. Use flashcards and digital apps that support active recall and spaced repetition. Mnemonic devices can also be beneficial. Establishing personal, visual, or narrative connections to words foster better recall and understanding.

Consistent exposure to ‘vocabulary English’ greatly enhances learning. Create dedicated time slots for regular vocabulary practice. This method not only consolidates learnt vocabulary but also introduces new words on a daily basis, ensuring a balanced and continuous learning process.

Practice holds the power to transform your ‘vocabulary English’ learning experience. Application of learnt words in daily conversations, professional communication, or digital platforms embeds them deeper into your long-term memory.

In essence, embracing ‘vocabulary English’ is a marathon, not a sprint. It requires immersion in various resources, using memory-enhancement techniques, continuous exposure, and above all, incessant practice. As you navigate this path, you’ll watch your ‘vocabulary English’ grow, raising your language proficiency and connectivity with the English-speaking world. It’s a fascinating journey that opens doors to different cultures, experiences, and opportunities. So, step forth, embrace ‘vocabulary English’, and let the journey begin!

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