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Daily Vocabulary Words: List of Daily Used Words in Leading Indian Newspapers
Hi there. Welcome to this special section @ Wordpandit. Our endeavour here is straightforward: highlighting daily vocabulary words that you would come across in leading newspapers in the country. We have included the following newspapers in our selection:
• The Times of India
• The Economic Times
• Hindustan Times
• Mint
• Indian Express
We are putting in extensive work to develop your vocabulary. All you have to do is be regular with this section and check out this post daily. This is your repository of commonly used words; essentially, we are posting a list of daily used words. Hence, this has significant practical application as it teaches you words that are commonly used in leading publications mentioned above.
Visit the website daily to learn words from leading Indian newspapers.

Triumvirate Picture Vocabulary

WORD-1: Triumvirate

CONTEXT: If the three Khans — Shahrukh, Aamir, and Salman — are considered the reigning kings of Bollywood today, there was another generation where a triumvirate was the unchallenged supremos.

SOURCE: Hindustan Times

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Imagine a group of three friends who always stick together and make decisions jointly. That’s like a “triumvirate.” It refers to a group of three people who share power or authority, often working together closely.

MEANING: A group of three people who share power or authority, especially in government or leadership (noun).

PRONUNCIATION: trahy-uhm-ver-it

SYNONYMS: trio, threesome, troika, triumvirate, triumvir

1. The country was governed by a triumvirate of leaders.
2. The triumvirate of CEOs made strategic decisions together.
3. In ancient Rome, the second triumvirate was formed to share power.
4. The triumvirate’s collaboration led to successful business ventures.


WORD-2: Nodding

CONTEXT: His smile and charisma had few equals, and generations tried to copy his acting mannerisms — the nodding head, floppy arms, and dialogue delivery.

SOURCE: Hindustan Times

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Imagine someone agreeing with what you’re saying and showing it by moving their head up and down. That’s like “nodding.” It refers to the action of moving your head up and down, especially to indicate agreement or understanding.

MEANING: The action of moving one’s head up and down, especially to indicate agreement or understanding (noun).


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SYNONYMS: agreement, approval, assent, concurrence, affirmation

1. She gave a nodding gesture to show she understood.
2. His nodding during the meeting indicated his support for the proposal.
3. The audience responded with nodding approval to the speaker’s points.
4. Nodding in agreement, they proceeded with the plan.


WORD-3: Fructified

CONTEXT: It was an affair that lasted for quite some time but never fructified due to the unrelenting opposition of Madhubala’s family.

SOURCE: Hindustan Times

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Imagine planting a seed and then seeing it grow into a tree that bears fruits. That’s like something being “fructified.” It means to produce fruit or results, especially in a literal or metaphorical sense.

MEANING: Produced fruit or results; yielded beneficial outcomes (adjective).

PRONUNCIATION: fruhk-tuh-fahyd

SYNONYMS: yielded, produced, bore fruit, resulted in, brought about

1. The investment fructified into significant profits for the company.
2. Her efforts finally fructified in the form of recognition and promotion.
3. The project’s completion fructified after months of hard work.
4. Their collaboration fructified into a successful partnership.


WORD-4: Succumbed

CONTEXT: They were deeply in love and were ready to elope, but ultimately Suraiya succumbed to the pressure of her maternal aunt and uncle, who were dead set against the union.

SOURCE: Hindustan Times

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Imagine facing a strong temptation or illness that eventually overpowers you. That’s like “succumbing.” It means to yield or give in to pressure, temptation, or a disease.

MEANING: Yielded or gave in to pressure, temptation, or a disease (verb).


SYNONYMS: yielded, gave in, surrendered, submitted, capitulated

1. Despite his efforts, he succumbed to peer pressure.
2. The patient eventually succumbed to the illness.
3. She succumbed to the temptation to quit when faced with challenges.
4. The team succumbed to fatigue after working long hours.


WORD-5: Quotations

CONTEXT: Perhaps because it’s election time, I’ve received a collection of aphorisms and quotations pertinently drawing my attention to a range of thoughts and concerns swirling around us.

SOURCE: Hindustan Times

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Imagine writing down what someone said exactly as they said it, including the person’s name and the date. That’s like a “quotation.” It refers to a phrase or passage from a book, speech, or conversation that is repeated by someone else.

MEANING: A phrase or passage repeated exactly from a source, often with attribution (noun).

PRONUNCIATION: kwoh-tey-shuhnz

SYNONYMS: quotes, citations, excerpts, sayings, passages

1. She included famous quotations in her speech to add credibility.
2. The book is filled with inspiring quotations from influential leaders.
3. His article referenced quotations from various experts in the field.
4. The teacher asked students to find and analyze meaningful quotations.

Eloquently Picture Vocabulary

WORD-6: Eloquently

CONTEXT: The people I’ve quoted are not Indian but don’t they also speak for our politicians and our country? If the answer is yes, can we take comfort from the discomfort they so eloquently express?

SOURCE: Hindustan Times

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Imagine someone speaking so beautifully and persuasively that everyone is captivated by their words. That’s like speaking “eloquently.” It means to speak or write fluently, persuasively, and gracefully.

MEANING: In a fluent or persuasive manner (adverb).

PRONUNCIATION: el-uh-kwuhnt-lee

SYNONYMS: articulately, fluently, persuasively, expressively, gracefully

1. She delivered her speech eloquently, captivating the audience.
2. His essay was written so eloquently that it moved readers to tears.
3. The poet’s verses were eloquently crafted, touching hearts.
4. The candidate spoke eloquently about the need for change.


WORD-7: Complacency

CONTEXT: India’s economic rise given its size does not offer any room for complacency. India must anticipate the challenges its rise may create.

SOURCE: Hindustan Times

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Imagine feeling so comfortable and satisfied with where you are that you stop trying to improve. That’s like “complacency.” It means a feeling of self-satisfaction that prevents further growth, change, or effort.

MEANING: A feeling of self-satisfaction that prevents further growth or improvement (noun).

PRONUNCIATION: kuhm-pley-suhn-see

SYNONYMS: self-satisfaction, smugness, contentment, satisfaction, inertia

1. Complacency led to a decline in the company’s innovation.
2. He warned against the dangers of complacency in personal development.
3. The team’s complacency cost them the championship.
4. Success can breed complacency if one becomes too comfortable.

Animosity Picture Vocabulary

WORD-8: Animosity

CONTEXT: it must act with alacrity on four fronts to take advantage of the current global animosity towards China:

SOURCE: Hindustan Times

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Imagine feeling strong dislike or hostility towards someone, like when you’re very angry with a friend. That’s like “animosity.” It means a strong feeling of hostility or resentment.

MEANING: Strong hostility or opposition towards someone or something (noun).

PRONUNCIATION: an-uh-mos-i-tee

SYNONYMS: hostility, enmity, bitterness, antipathy, animus

1. There was a long history of animosity between the two rival families.
2. Her words were filled with animosity towards her former boss.
3. The animosity between the groups led to frequent conflicts.
4. Despite their past animosity, they eventually reconciled.

WORD-9: Dismantling

CONTEXT: The reality is nowhere near as glamorous but the impact of Interpol’s work with key partners such as India on dismantling criminal networks is no less dramatic.

SOURCE: Hindustan Times

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Imagine taking apart a piece of furniture to see how it’s made or to move it. That’s like “dismantling.” It means to take apart or disassemble something, especially a structure or system.

MEANING: Taking a machine or structure to pieces.

PRONUNCIATION: dis-man-tling

SYNONYMS: disassembling, taking apart, deconstructing, breaking down, dismantlement

1. The old building was dismantled to make way for a new construction.
2. They are dismantling the outdated machinery in the factory.
3. Dismantling the system requires careful planning and coordination.
4. The team is tasked with dismantling the opponent’s defense strategy.

Sophisticated Picture Vocabulary

WORD-10: Sophisticated

CONTEXT: National borders and jurisdictions present opportunities for increasingly sophisticated criminals to commit crimes and evade capture.

SOURCE: Hindustan Times

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Imagine something that is very complex, elegant, and advanced in design or function. That’s like something being “sophisticated.” It means refined, complex, and advanced, often in terms of technology, ideas, or style.

MEANING: Having a lot of knowledge, experience, or complexity; highly
developed or refined (adjective).

PRONUNCIATION: suh-fis-ti-key-tid

SYNONYMS: refined, complex, advanced, elegant, intricate

1. The new smartphone features sophisticated technology.
2. Her taste in art is very sophisticated and discerning.
3. The software has a sophisticated user interface.
4. The sophisticated design of the building impressed everyone.



Vocabulary Sentence

Title: “Building Bridges with Words: Learning the ‘Vocabulary Sentence’ Way”

The task of mastering language stretches beyond the realm of solitary words. It invites us to construct and comprehend a ‘vocabulary sentence’. This amalgamation of words into meaningful sentences adds layers to our linguistic prowess. However, effectively learning from a ‘vocabulary sentence’ requires some strategic insight. So, how should we approach it?

Firstly, when encountering a ‘vocabulary sentence’, it’s pivotal to comprehend the word in context. Deciphering its place and role in the sentence gives a deeper insight into the word’s meaning, usage, and nuances. This approach aids in firm retention and active application of words.

Another technique to master a ‘vocabulary sentence’ is to break it into manageable chunks. Look at each word, understand its function, and then put it all together to comprehend the sentence as a whole. This step-by-step dissection and understanding better cements the ‘vocabulary sentence’ into your learning.

Mimicking the prosody and rhythm of language while practicing ‘vocabulary sentence’ can also foster better learning. In this regard, listening to podcasts or watching videos in the target language can be exceptionally beneficial. They showcase real-life demonstrations of how words are strung together into sentences with correct stress patterns and intonations.

Lastly, crafting your own ‘vocabulary sentence’ with learnt words strengthens understanding and boosts recall. Be it during conversation or writing, actively using these sentences plays a key role in contextual learning.

In essence, unfolding a ‘vocabulary sentence’ is a treasure trove of learning opportunities. With proper understanding, breaking sentences into chunks, mimicking prosody, and actively crafting sentences, the journey of learning from a ‘vocabulary sentence’ becomes engaging and fruitful. Every sentence learnt and applied is a valuable catch in the linguistic sea!

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