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Daily Vocabulary Words: List of Daily Used Words in Leading International Newspapers
Hi there. Welcome to this special section @ Wordpandit.
Our endeavour here is very simple: to highlight important daily vocabulary words, which you would come across in leading newspapers in the country. We have included the following newspapers in our selection:
• The New York Times
• The Washington Post
• Scientific American
• The Guardian
• Psychology Today
• Wall Street Journal
• The Economist
We are putting in extensive work for developing your vocabulary. All you have got to do is be regular with this section and check out this post on a daily basis. This is your repository of words that are commonly used and essentially, we are posting a list of daily used words. Hence, this has significant practical application as it teaches you words that are used commonly in leading publications mentioned above.
Visit the website daily to learn words from leading international newspapers.

Marginally Picture Vocabulary

WORD-1: Marginally

CONTEXT: TikTokers are not necessarily statistically trained, and often focus on the marginally increased breast cancer risk from the combined pill – offset anyway by its protection against ovarian and womb cancer.

SOURCE: Guardian

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Think about a race where someone wins by just a tiny bit, like if you’re playing tag and someone almost catches you but you manage to get away. That’s what “marginally” means, just a tiny bit or barely.

MEANING: Slightly or to a small extent (adverb)


SYNONYMS: slightly, minimally, negligibly, scarcely, barely

1. The team won the game marginally, with a score of just one point difference.
2. Her grades improved marginally after she started studying harder.
3. The price of groceries increased only marginally this month.
4. He was marginally taller than his younger brother.

Backlash Picture Vocabulary

WORD-2: Backlash

CONTEXT: If your blood pressure rises at the thought of a doll who sits down, may I humbly suggest you consider time with a therapist?) And yet any backlash from bigoted adults feels insignificant compared with the significance of diverse toys for children.

SOURCE: Guardian

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: When you push something really hard and then it pushes back even stronger, like when you push a ball and it bounces back toward you, that’s what a “backlash” is. It’s a strong reaction against something that happened before.

MEANING: A strong and adverse reaction by a large number of people,
especially to a social or political development (Noun).


SYNONYMS: repercussion, retaliation, counteraction, resistance, repercussion

1. The new policy received a backlash from the employees.
2. His comments on social media resulted in a strong backlash from the public.
3. There was a backlash against the decision to close the local library.
4. The backlash from her actions was unexpected but significant.

Egalitarianism Picture Vocabulary

WORD-3: Egalitarianism

CONTEXT: My general rule is that egalitarianism won’t be achieved by anything you can buy in John Lewis.

SOURCE: Guardian

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Imagine if everyone in a game got the same number of points no matter what they did. That’s what “egalitarianism” is about—it’s when everyone is treated equally and has the same rights and opportunities.

MEANING: A belief in human equality, especially in social, political, and
economic affairs (Noun).

PRONUNCIATION: ee-guh-luh-TAIR-ee-uh-niz-uhm

SYNONYMS: equality, fairness, impartiality, justice, equal rights

1. The organization is dedicated to promoting egalitarianism in society.
2. Egalitarianism is a fundamental principle of democracy.
3. The school promotes a culture of egalitarianism among its students.
4. His speeches often emphasize the importance of egalitarianism in governance.

Unapologetically Picture Vocabulary

WORD-4: Unapologetically

CONTEXT: She was unapologetically joyous and fun – and she knew how to accessorize.

SOURCE: Guardian

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Imagine you did something you know was right, and even if others don’t like it, you don’t feel sorry because you did what you believed was best. That’s being “unapologetically” yourself—doing what you think is right without saying sorry for it.

MEANING: In a manner that does not acknowledge or express regret (Adverb).

PRONUNCIATION: un-uh-PAH-luh-JET-ik-lee

SYNONYMS: boldly, confidently, firmly, resolutely, unabashedly

1. She spoke unapologetically about her views on the environment.
2. He lived his life unapologetically, following his dreams without hesitation.
3. The artist expressed herself unapologetically through her paintings.
4. They defended their decision unapologetically, despite criticism from others.

Preschool Picture Vocabulary

WORD-5: Preschool

CONTEXT: The trees seem to be covered in icing. I hold my five-year-old boy’s hand and lead him to the car. We are on our way to preschool.

SOURCE: Guardian

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Preschool is like a fun place where kids go to play, learn, and make friends before they start big school. It’s a bit like a special club for little kids where they can have lots of fun and start learning new things.

MEANING: An educational establishment for young children, typically between
the ages Of 3 and 5, before they begin compulsory education at primary school (Noun).


SYNONYMS: nursery school, kindergarten, pre-kindergarten, playschool, daycare

1. She enrolled her son in a preschool with a focus on early childhood development.
2. The preschool organized a field trip to the zoo for the children.
3. The new preschool curriculum includes music and art classes.


WORD-6: Intoxication

CONTEXT: In my intoxication the world opened up to me and I wanted more.

SOURCE: Guardian

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Have you ever seen someone feeling really funny after drinking a special grown-up juice? That’s what “intoxication” is—it’s when someone has had a bit too much of something that makes them act silly or strange.

MEANING: The state of being affected by alcohol or drugs to the point of impairment (noun).


SYNONYMS: inebriation, drunkenness, intoxication, tipsiness, inebriety

1. He was arrested for driving under the influence of intoxication.
2. The party became wild after everyone started drinking to intoxication.
3. Intoxication can impair judgment and coordination.
4. She regretted the actions she took during her state of intoxication.


WORD-7: Seductive

CONTEXT: a seductive combination for someone who wanted to be seen but didn’t dare to reveal his true self.

SOURCE: Guardian

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Imagine someone saying or doing things that make you feel like you really, really want to do what they say or be like them. That’s what “seductive” means—it’s when someone or something makes you feel attracted or interested in a special way.

MEANING: Tempting and attractive, often in a way that encourages desire or interest (adjective).


SYNONYMS: alluring, enticing, captivating, charming, tempting

1. Her seductive smile caught everyone’s attention at the party.
2. The advertisement used a seductive voice to promote the product.
3. He was known for his seductive charm and persuasive skills.
4. The movie’s plot had a seductive quality that kept viewers engaged.


WORD-8: Companionship

CONTEXT: The alcohol that had once been my gateway to companionship was now leading me into isolation.

SOURCE: Guardian

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Companionship is like having a really good friend who is always there for you. It’s when you feel happy and not alone because you have someone to talk to, play with, and share things with.

MEANING: The state of being with someone who provides friendship, support, and companionship (noun).

PRONUNCIATION: kuhm-PAN-yuhn-ship

SYNONYMS: friendship, camaraderie, fellowship, closeness, togetherness

1. The old man valued the companionship of his loyal dog.
2. She found companionship in her fellow travelers during the journey.
3. Companionship is important for mental and emotional well-being.
4. The club promotes social activities to foster companionship among members.


WORD-9: Repercussions

CONTEXT: the repercussions began to hit harder, I lost control.

SOURCE: Guardian

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Imagine if you throw a ball really hard against a wall and it bounces back and hits you—that’s what “repercussions” are. It’s when something you do has a big effect that comes back to affect you later.

MEANING: The consequences or effects of an action or event, often unforeseen or indirect (noun).


SYNONYMS: consequences, effects, outcomes, aftermath, ramifications

1. His decision to quit his job had serious repercussions on his career.
2. The company faced financial repercussions after the market downturn.
3. She considered the potential repercussions before making a decision.
4. The politician’s statement had immediate repercussions in the media.


WORD-10: Clementine

CONTEXT: In the passenger seat my boy is eating his ham sandwich and a clementine.

SOURCE: Guardian

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Clementine is a special type of fruit that’s like a small orange but a bit sweeter. It’s named after a girl called Clementine, and when you eat it, it tastes really good and refreshing, just like a happy memory.

MEANING: A small, sweet variety of orange (noun).



1. She enjoyed a refreshing clementine as a snack.
2. The salad was garnished with slices of juicy clementine.
3. He bought a bag of clementines from the farmers’ market.
4. The clementine tree in their backyard produced delicious fruits every year.



Vocabulary Daily

Title: “Bringing Words To Life: Mastering the ‘Vocabulary Daily’ Drill”

Language learning is a beautiful yet complex dance, where ‘vocabulary daily’ connote the integral beats. These everyday words form the essence of most of our conversations and are the cornerstone of effective communication. However, a methodical approach is required to efficiently learn ‘vocabulary daily’.

One key approach to learning ‘vocabulary daily’ is consistency. Engaging with a few words every day consistently fosters better understanding and recall than sporadic cramming sessions.

Interactive tools can add a touch of excitement and ease to mastering ‘vocabulary daily’. Flashcards, word of the day calendars, language learning apps can make the learning experience fun and fruitful. These tools not only introduce new words but often provide a context of use, aiding your understanding.

Making ‘vocabulary daily’ a part of your daily life is a surefire success strategy. Incorporating these words into day-to-day conversations, writing, or social media interactions greatly enhances retention and usage. It also allows you to witness firsthand the impact of a rich vocabulary on the clarity of expression.

To effectively grasp ‘vocabulary daily’, always keep a learner’s curiosity. Explore books, news articles, music, and podcasts in the respective language. This exposure helps in absorbing the words in a real-world context, thus building a robust bond with ‘vocabulary daily’.

In conclusion, understanding ‘vocabulary daily’ is an ongoing process that necessitates consistency, interactive learning, practical application, and a learner’s curiosity. By following this comprehensive approach, the task of mastering ‘vocabulary daily’ becomes less of a chore and more of an enriching journey that can lead to eloquent and effective communication. So, step into the exciting world of ‘vocabulary daily’ and let it colour your language learning adventure with shades of clarity, confidence, and joy.

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