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Daily Vocabulary Words: List of Daily Used Words in Leading Indian Newspapers
Hi there. Welcome to this special section @ Wordpandit. Our endeavour here is straightforward: highlighting daily vocabulary words that you would come across in leading newspapers in the country. We have included the following newspapers in our selection:
• The Times of India
• The Economic Times
• Hindustan Times
• Mint
• Indian Express
We are putting in extensive work to develop your vocabulary. All you have to do is be regular with this section and check out this post daily. This is your repository of commonly used words; essentially, we are posting a list of daily used words. Hence, this has significant practical application as it teaches you words that are commonly used in leading publications mentioned above.
Visit the website daily to learn words from leading Indian newspapers.

Mischievous Picture Vocabulary

WORD-1: Mischievous

CONTEXT: the Chairman of the Economic Advisory Council, Bibek Debroy, in an article published last year, gave a mischievous interpretation to a Chicago Law School study, which stated that the “mean life span” of written constitutions worldwide since 1789 is 17 years.

SOURCE: Indian Express

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: When someone is mischievous, they like to play little tricks that are funny and a bit naughty but not meant to hurt anyone. It’s like when you hide your friend’s toy just to see their surprised face but give it back after a short while.

MEANING: Inclined to engage in playful, naughty, or troublesome behavior (adjective).


SYNONYMS: Naughty, playful, impish, prankish, roguish, cheeky, tricksy.


1. The mischievous puppy hid my shoe under the bed.

2. She gave him a mischievous wink across the room.

3. His mischievous smile made everyone wonder what he was up to.

4. They planned a mischievous prank on their teacher for April Fools’ Day.

Duelling Picture Vocabulary

WORD-2: Duelling

CONTEXT: Are America’s enviable institutions of higher learning coming apart? Viral videos of duelling student groups, police handcuffing protestors across campus quads and a parade of university presidents laid low by a single combative Republican legislator suggest a crisis of monumental proportions.

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SOURCE: Indian Express

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Duelling is when two people decide to have a fight using specific rules, like fighting with swords or guns, to settle a big disagreement. It’s like when you and your friend agree to see who can run faster to solve an argument.

MEANING: Fighting between two people under agreed-upon conditions (noun); engaged in a fight or competition (verb).


SYNONYMS: Combat, fight, contest, battle, bout, confrontation.


1. The old movie featured a dramatic duelling scene with swords.

2. They were duelling for the championship in a fierce tennis match.

3. Historical accounts often describe duelling as a way to restore honor.

4. The knights were duelling at dawn in the old legend.


WORD-3: Abutting

CONTEXT: Community activists opposing the building of a racially segregated university gym in Morningside Park abutting the campus joined hands with a student group that had taken issue with Columbia’s connections with a think tank conducting weapons research for the Vietnam War.

SOURCE: Indian Express

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Abutting means something is touching or leaning against another thing. It’s like when you build a tower with blocks and each block sits right next to the other without any space in between.

MEANING: Being in direct contact with something; adjoining (adjective).


SYNONYMS: Adjoining, bordering, neighboring, adjacent, touching, contiguous.


1. Their backyard is abutting the forest, giving them a lovely view.

2. The new extension of the house was abutting the original structure.

3. Two abutting countries may share a lot of culture and history.

4. She owns two abutting properties in the downtown area.


WORD-4: Flattening

CONTEXT: The students were protesting the flattening of Gaza by Israel and the deaths of over 34,000 people, mostly innocent civilians.

SOURCE: Indian Express

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Flattening is when you make something smooth and flat, like when you use a rolling pin to roll out dough to make it nice and flat for cookies.

MEANING: Making something flat or flatter (verb).


SYNONYMS: Leveling, smoothing, pressing, evening out, ironing, squashing.


1. He was flattening the dough with a rolling pin.

2. The construction crew is flattening the land to build a new park.

3. She spent the afternoon flattening old cardboard boxes for recycling.

4. Flattening the curve is important in controlling the spread of diseases.

Campuses Picture Vocabulary

WORD-5: Campuses

CONTEXT: Now, protests in solidarity with Columbia students have broken out on campuses across the country, including my own.

SOURCE: Indian Express

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Campuses are big areas of land where schools or colleges are, where students go to learn, play, and do activities. It’s like a giant playground with lots of different buildings for different subjects.

MEANING: Plural form of campus, referring to the grounds and buildings of a university or institution (noun).


SYNONYMS: Grounds, precincts, property, complex, facilities, estate.


1. We visited several college campuses before she decided which one she liked best.

2. The university plans to expand its campuses over the next decade.

3. Students are organizing a sustainability drive across all campuses.

4. The campuses of the university are spread out across the city.


WORD-6: Legitimately

CONTEXT: we can legitimately worry about the state of American universities, I have confidence in their resilience.

SOURCE: Indian Express

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Legitimately means doing something in a way that is right, fair, and follows the rules. It’s like playing a game where you follow all the instructions so that everyone has fun.

MEANING: In a manner that conforms to the law or to rules (adverb).

PRONUNCIATION: luh-JIT-uh-muh-tlee

SYNONYMS: Lawfully, rightfully, honestly, properly, justly, fairly.


1. She legitimately won the race, without cheating.

2. They asked whether he had legitimately obtained the information.

3. He could claim the throne legitimately as the oldest son.

4. The business operates legitimately under all federal laws.

Sanguine Picture Vocabulary

WORD-7: Sanguine

CONTEXT: I am far less sanguine about the larger story unfolding beyond the quad and the wrought-iron gates.

SOURCE: Indian Express

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Sanguine means being positive and hopeful about things, even when they are difficult. It’s like when you fall down but you get right back up, believing that you’ll do better next time.

MEANING: Optimistic or positive, especially in a difficult situation (adjective).


SYNONYMS: Optimistic, hopeful, positive, cheerful, buoyant, confident.


1. Despite the challenges, he remained sanguine about the future.

2. Her sanguine attitude was contagious among her teammates.

3. The report gave a sanguine outlook for the economy next year.

4. He is always sanguine about his chances of winning.


WORD-8: Splintered

CONTEXT: Acts of hate have spiked: Complaints over both anti-Semitic acts and anti-Muslim incidents have gone up dramatically. The American Left has splintered.

SOURCE: Indian Express

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Splintered means something has broken into small, sharp pieces, like when a wooden stick breaks when you bend it too much.

MEANING: Broken into small, sharp fragments (adjective); to break up into parts or pieces (verb).


SYNONYMS: Fragmented, shattered, broken, cracked, fractured, snapped.


1. The old wooden chair splintered when he sat on it.

2. The group splintered into several smaller factions over disagreements.

3. She removed a splintered piece of wood from the floor.

4. The community was splintered by the controversial decision.


WORD-9: Self-censoring

CONTEXT: In a country that religiously upholds the right to freedom of speech many are self-censoring or speaking in hushed whispers for fear of offending others or being called out by one group or another.

SOURCE: Indian Express

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Self-censoring is when you decide not to say or show something because you think it might upset someone or cause trouble. It’s like when you think of a secret but choose not to tell it because it might hurt someone’s feelings.

MEANING: The act of limiting what one expresses or reveals, especially to avoid offending or causing problems (verb).


SYNONYMS: Restraining, withholding, suppressing, filtering, controlling, moderating.


1. She was self-censoring her comments to avoid controversy.

2. In the meeting, he practiced self-censoring to maintain professionalism.

3. Self-censoring on social media can be important for personal privacy.

4. Artists often face the dilemma of self-censoring in oppressive regimes.

Juggling Picture Vocabulary

WORD-10: Juggling

CONTEXT: We find ourselves, again, in an exceptional year. Donald Trump, the presumptive Republican candidate is juggling a criminal trial and 91 felony counts.

SOURCE: Indian Express

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Juggling is when you keep several objects moving in the air by quickly throwing and catching them. It’s like when you try to keep balloons in the air by hitting them over and over so they don’t touch the ground.

MEANING: The act of continuously tossing objects into the air and catching them to keep them moving (noun); handling or coping with several activities or problems at once (verb).


SYNONYMS: Balancing, multitasking, handling, managing, manipulating, tossing.


1. He is skilled at juggling three balls at once.

2. She has been juggling work and school successfully.

3. The street performer was juggling fire sticks.

4. Juggling multiple projects can be very challenging.



Vocabulary Words in English

Title: “Nurturing Language Growth: Mastering ‘Vocabulary Words in English'”

In the kaleidoscopic world of language, the thread of ‘vocabulary words in English’ weaves a rich tapestry. These words, the building blocks of communication, lend themselves to the eloquence and effectiveness of our speech and writing. Despite their significance, mastering ‘vocabulary words in English’ can sometimes be daunting, but with strategic approach, the process can be greatly simplified.

Learning ‘vocabulary words in English’ goes far beyond rote memorization. It requires an integrated approach that encompasses understanding and using the words. Consuming a diverse range of English materials such as novels, news articles, movies, music, and online content can acquaint you with words in actual use, helping you perceive both their meaning and usage in different contexts.

Furthermore, incorporating memory-enhancing techniques can add impactful strides to your journey of mastering ‘vocabulary words in English’. Methods such as the Leitner System or flashcards can bolster the memory retention of these words. Meanwhile, using mnemonic devices, associating words with unique stories or images, can help in retaining the ‘vocabulary words in English’ in long-term memory.

Another key to deciphering ‘vocabulary words in English’ is by practicing them in real-world contexts. Incorporate the new words into your daily conversations, written emails, or social media posts. Not only will this reinforce the meanings and applications, but also boost your confidence in using them.

In essence, understanding ‘vocabulary words in English’ is a continual journey that calls for persistent commitment, diverse learning approach, and ample practice. As you indulge in this exploration, you will find your command over the ‘vocabulary words in English’ becoming stronger, leading to more confident and dynamic communication. Remember – in the world of language, words are your faithful companions, and the more you engage with them, the more they’ll reveal their richness to you.

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