Definition & Meaning: Eco- Word Root
The Eco- Root Word is a combining form representing Ecology, dealing with the relations of organisms to one another and their physical surroundings. Several terms in science use the prefix in this strict sense:
- Eco-system: A biological community of interacting organisms and their physical environment.
- Eco-sphere: The biosphere of the earth or another planet, especially when the interaction between the living and non-living components is emphasized.
- Ecotype: A distinct form or race of a plant or animal species occupying a particular habitat.
The prefix is more commonly used in a broader sense that refers to the natural environment, especially something that aids its preservation. In this sense, it is intimately linked to green issues and the environmentalist movement. For instance:
- Eco-friendly: Not harmful to the environment.
- Ecotourism: Tourism directed towards exotic, often threatened, natural environments, especially to support conservation efforts and observe wildlife.
- Ecoterrorism: Violence carried out to further environmentalist ends.
- Ecofeminism: A philosophical and political theory and movement combining environmental concerns with feminist ones.
Words Based on the Eco- Word Root
Following is a list of words based on the Eco- Root Word:
Commonly Used Words based on this Word Root:
- Ecoactivist: One who actively opposes the pollution or destruction of the environment by other means.
- Ecobabble: Using the technical language of ecology to make the user seem ecologically aware.
- Eco-friendly: Not harmful to the environment.
- Ecotourism: Tourism directed towards exotic, often threatened, natural environments, especially to support conservation efforts and observe wildlife.
- Ecoterrorism: Violence carried out to further environmentalist ends.
- Ecofeminism: A philosophical and political theory and movement which parallels and combines environmental concerns with feminist ones.
Archaic Words based on this Word Root:
- Ecobiosis: The conditions pertaining to a mode of life within a specific habitat.
- Ecotype: A distinct form or race of a plant or animal species occupying a particular habitat.
Technical Words/Jargon based on this Word Root:
- Ecobiology: The study of the relationships of organisms to their natural environments.
- Ecocatastrophe: Major damage to the environment, especially when caused by human activity.
- Bioecological: A reference to the interrelationships between plants and animals and their abiotic environments.
- Bioecologist: Someone who favours, or specialises in, bioecology; such as, an ecologist.
- Bioecology: The science of organisms as affected by the factors of their environments.
- Ecocidal: Designed or tending to destroy the environment.
- Ecocide: Destruction or damage of the environment.
- Ecoclimate: The climate as an ecological factor; the climate of a habitat.
- Ecocline: Reflecting ecological conditions in general.
Related Word Roots
Here are some related word roots that carry similar meanings:
1. Bio- (Greek: ‘life’):
Meaning: Relating to life or living organisms.
- Biology: The study of living organisms.
- Biome: A large naturally occurring community of flora and fauna occupying a major habitat.
- Biotic: Relating to or resulting from living organisms.
2. Enviro- (Latin: ‘to surround’):
Meaning: Relating to the natural world and the impact of human activity on its condition.
- Environment: The surroundings or conditions in which a person, animal, or plant lives or operates.
- Environmentalism: Concern about and action aimed at protecting the environment.
- Environmental: Relating to the natural world and the impact of human activity on its condition.
3. Geo- (Greek: ‘earth’):
Meaning: Relating to the earth.
- Geography: The study of the physical features of the earth and its atmosphere.
- Geology: The science that deals with the earth’s physical structure and substance.
- Geothermal: Relating to or produced by the internal heat of the earth.
With this, the lesson on the root word Eco- comes to an end. If you learned some new words, remember to revise them often to strengthen your vocabulary. Be focused. Happy Learning!