Definition & Meaning: Antho Word Root
What does Antho Word Root mean?
The Word Root Antho comes originally from Greek Anthos. It usually means ‘A flower or flowers’.
For instance, the word anther refers to the pollen-bearing part of the flower stamen.
It is fair to say that words with the word root –Antho is mostly related to flowers.
Example sentence:
Two Stamens of Viola tricolour (Pansy), with their two anther lobes and the process extending beyond them looks exquisite.
Words Based on the Antho Word Root
Following is a list of words based on Antho Word Root:
1. Anthozoan: member of a large class of marine animals that includes the sea anemones
and corals, which resemble flowers.
2. Anthology: a collection of flowers, but figuratively refers to little flowers of composition.
3. Aianthous: Flowers all year.
4. Amblyanthus: Blunt flower.
5. Ananthous: In botany, having no flowers.
6. Anthecology: The study of pollination and the relationships between insects and flowers.
7. Anthesis: The pollen-bearing part of the flower stamen.
8. Epanthous: Living on flowers, applied to certain fungi.
9. Erianthous: Woolly flowered.
10. Isanthous: Having regular flowers.
11. Monanthous: Bearing a single flower.
12. Nyctanthous: Flowering only during the night.
13. Speiranthous: A plant that has twisted flowers
14. Synanthous: Having flowers and leaves appearing simultaneously.
15. Synanthy: The adhesion of flowers which are usually separate.
We can see how much easier it becomes to memorize any word if we can link it with something that we can never forget. That is the power of word root that can help us to break down complex words and easily fathom their meaning.