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Aver1. To assert or affirm with confidence; declare in a positive or peremptory manner.Declare, affirm, assert, avow, swear,
PanderTo act as a pander; cater basely: to pander to the vile tastes of vulgar persons. (As a noun, pander means ‘a person who caters to or profits from the weaknesses or vices of others’)Gratify, Brownnose (to curry favor; behave obsequiously)
Beset1. To attack on all sides; assail; harass: to be beset by enemies; beset by difficulties.

2. To surround; hem in: a village beset on all sides by dense forest.

3. To set or place upon; bestud: a gold bracelet beset with jewels.

Chevy, Chivy (1. to chase; run after harass; nag; torment), harass, harry, hassle, encircle,  snowed down, beleaguered, weighed down, plagued, inundated
AdjureAsk for or request earnestlyBeseech, conjure, entreat
Inure1. To accustom to hardship, difficulty, pain, etc.; toughen or harden; habituate (usually fol. by to): inured to cold.

2. To come into use; take or have effect.

Enure, harden, habituate,
InveigleTo entice, lure, or ensnare by flattery or artful talk or inducements (usually fol. by into): to inveigle a person into playing bridge.Bait, seduce, charm, allure, coax, cajole, sweet talk, palaver, wheedle
Belie1. to show to be false; contradict: His trembling hands belied his calm voice.

2. to misrepresent: The newspaper belied the facts

Give the lie to, misrepresent, pervert, gloss over
Disgorge1. To eject or throw out from the throat, mouth, or stomach; vomit forth.

2. To surrender or yield (something, esp. something illicitly obtained).

3. To discharge forcefully or as a result of force.

Spew, eject, regurgitate, expel, throw up, Retch, Barf (Eject the contents of the stomach through the mouth)
Accost1. To confront boldly: The beggar accosted me for money.

2. (of prostitutes, procurers, etc.) to solicit for sexual purposes.

3. To approach, esp. with a greeting, question, or remark.

Hail, greet, Buttonhole, solicit, confront, challenge


to emit vivid flashes of light; sparkle; scintillate; gleam.Glister, scintillate, sparkle, shimmer, glisten, gleam
Satiate1. To supply with anything to excess, so as to disgust or weary; surfeit.

2. To satisfy to the full; sate.

Overeat, overindulge, pig out, scarf out, gorge, glut, ingurgitate,

Replete, Sate, surfeit,

Incriminate1. Suggest that someone is guilty

2. Bring an accusation against; level a charge against

Accuse, criminate, pin on, frame, Arraign (Accuse of a wrong or an inadequacy)
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