• This test assesses your knowledge of Phrasal Verbs.
  • Every question essentially contains a usage tip, so solve carefully.
  • Note down the phrasal verbs you are not aware of.
  • Solve the same test again to memorize the tips.

Phrasal Verbs: Root

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Question 1
For the context provided, select the most appropriate sentence.
I rooted about in my purse to find my lipstick.
I rooted in my purse to find my lipstick.
Question 1 Explanation: 
The correct expression is “root about” which means to look in a place to try to find something
Question 2
For the context provided, select the most appropriate sentence.
I rooted around in the desk drawer for a pen.
I rooted in the desk drawer for a pen.
Question 2 Explanation: 
The correct expression is “root around” which means to look in a place to try to find something.
Question 3
For the context provided, select the most appropriate sentence.
I rooted for my home team in the world cup.
I rooted my home team in the world cup.
Question 3 Explanation: 
The correct expression is “root for” which means to support.
Question 4
For the context provided, select the most appropriate sentence.
The politicians always promise to root out corruption but in the end do nothing.
The politicians always promise to root off corruption but in the end do nothing.
Question 4 Explanation: 
The correct expression is “root out” which means to find the source of a problem and remove it.
Question 5
For the context provided, select the most appropriate sentence.
The pigs rooted up the plants in the garden.
The pigs rooted the plants in the garden.
Question 5 Explanation: 
The correct expression is “root up” which means to dig a plant out of the ground.
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There are 5 questions to complete.

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