
Who are We?

Wordpandit is the vocabulary product of Learning Inc., an alternate education and content organization. We are a dedicated group of individuals with one simple belief for education: The processes of learning has to be made interactive and visual mediums need to be explored to the fullest. The whole concept of Wordpandit is premised on this audio-visual imagery and we hope that you would appreciate our efforts.

What do we do?

Learning Inc. is a hybrid concept, and we keep ourselves indulged in many pursuits. Wordpandit is one of our prized pursuits and is an assimilation of many a small unrefined skills all put across the online medium, which does come at an economical cost these days..:). We believe in the random use of colors,illustrations and tools such as photoshop and merge them all to create the content you see on this site. Keep following us for more such random attempts.

Founder, Designers & Artists

These are the permanent cogs in the Wordpandit Wheel, who contribute to be almost anything and everything that happens here. The founder is an odd-job engineer who loves words, the designer is a graduate who likes to play with colors, and well, the artists are artists.
In case you wish to get in touch with the guy behind this, click here. You are most welcome to drop in your suggestions.

Interns and Associates

Interns are the vital pieces that in a way complete the Wordpandit jigsaw. A lot of the content you would go through is generated by these super dedicated lot we have. Involved in the day to day running of the websites, these interns have helped convert Wordpandit into a community of individuals that it is now. The fact that we are now a full-fledged project instead of being simple vocabulary website is a testament to the contributions we have received from our interns.

Lastly, the Associates. These are our well wishers who have contributed in one way or the other. Friends, family and numerous other well-wishers have been involved in making Wordpandit the special place it is.


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