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Meaning, Sentences, Synonyms and Antonyms for Accompaniment

How can we use this word? What does ‘accompaniment’ stand for?
It is that thing which comes with your French fries or yummy pakoras (fried cutlets in English). Accompaniment is the instrument that plays when you hum your favourite song and it can also be that necklace that goes so well with your evening gown and thereby, lending completion to your dress. Accompaniment can also be an act of your best friend to protect you.

Word Origin for Accompaniment

Accompaniment has originated from the union of two words, that is, ‘accompany’ and ‘ment’. “Accompany” is a verb and means to company someone or to be present in association with and “ment” is a suffix, which when attached to accompany, makes a Noun .i.e. accompaniment.

Pronunciation: uh-kuhm-puh-ni-muhnt, uh-kuhmp-ni-

Meaning of Accompaniment

1) Instrument or vocals arranged to sustain, maintain or match/complement a symphony or a melody.
2) An ornament or a thing that is added for fullness or evenness.
3) A situation or an event accompanying something else.
4) An act of being present with someone in order to protect him/her.
Sentence/quote for accompaniment.

Our super tip to learn Accompaniment

If you want to learn accompaniment in the easiest possible way then, just remember the cheese dip that comes with your garlic bread to make it complete and tasty .i.e. cheese dip is the addition or the accompaniment in this case.

Example Sentences for Accompaniment

1) Her voice sounds rough without any musical accompaniment. (Noun)
2) Diamond necklace was given to her as an accompaniment for her evening gown. (Noun)
3) Sauce is a usual accompaniment for fried prawns. (Noun).
4) Event of thunderstorm is an accompaniment to rain. (Noun)
5) Friend’s accompaniment saved her from the goons in the midnight. (Noun).
Synonyms-Antonyms-Meaning for accompaniment

Synonyms of Accompaniment

adjunct, complement, supplement, addition, appendage, companion, accessory

Antonyms of Accompaniment

contradict, exclusion, excision
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