
Word Root: Ali/Allo

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Definition & Meaning: Ali, Allo, Alter Words Root

The roots Ali, Allo, alter derive from French, meaning “other.” These roots form the basis of many words in English that convey the idea of otherness or change. Understanding these roots helps in decoding a variety of English words that revolve around the concept of otherness or alteration.

Examples of Words Derived from Ali, Allo, Alter

Consider the word alien, which means “belonging to another.” This word clearly demonstrates how the root “Ali” signifies something or someone that is other or foreign:


  • Ali: Other
  • En: Suffix indicating belonging
  • Alien: Belonging to another place or


Thus, the word “alien” embodies the essence of being different or other.

Words Based on the Ali, Allo, Alter Roots

Commonly Used Words

  • Alias: An assumed name, often used to indicate another identity.
  • Alibi: A claim or piece of evidence that one was elsewhere when an act, typically a criminal one, is alleged to have taken place.
  • Alternative: One of two or more available possibilities.
  • Altercation: A noisy argument or disagreement.
  • Alter: To change or modify.

Archaic Words

  • Allegiance: Loyalty or commitment to a superior or to a group or cause.
  • Allopathy: A system of medical practice that aims to combat disease by using remedies which produce effects different from those produced by the disease itself.

Technical Words/Jargon

  • Allograph: A different letter or combination of letters representing the same sound.
  • Allomorph: Any of two or more actual representations of a morpheme.
  • Allegory: A symbolic narrative in which the surface details imply a secondary meaning.
  • Alloantigen: An antigen that exists in alternative (allelic) forms in a species, thus inducing an immune response when one form is introduced into individuals lacking it.

Related Word Roots

  • Hetero-: Meaning “different.”
    • Heterogeneous: Diverse in character or content.
    • Heterodox: Not conforming with accepted or orthodox standards or beliefs.
  • Alter-: Meaning “other.”
    • Alternative: One of two or more available possibilities.
    • Alternate: Occur in turnrepeatedly.
  • Other-: Meaning “other.”
    • Otherness: The quality or fact of being different.
    • Otherwise: In circumstances different from those present or considered.

We hope this article on the roots Ali, Allo, Alter has been helpful in expanding your vocabulary and understanding of words based on these roots. Keep exploring and learning!

We hope this article on the commonly used Ante Word Root has been helpful to you in remembering the words based on the Word Root Ante and enhancing your vocabulary.

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