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Exploring the Andr Word Root

Diving into the etymology of the Andr Word Root, we uncover its origins in the Greek ‘AndrĂł(s)’, the genitive form of
‘anḗr’, meaning ‘man’. This Word Root predominantly signifies ‘male’ or ‘masculine’, serving as a cornerstone for a multitude of words that describe, delineate, or are directly related to men and masculinity. Amongst these, ‘androgen’ stands out, encapsulating the essence of male hormones like testosterone, which are pivotal in defining male characteristics.

Andr root word tree diagram featuring androgynous, android, and misandry.

Understanding the Term: Androgynous

The term androgynous combines the roots “Andr” meaning “man” and “gyn” meaning “woman”. It describes something or someone that has both male and female characteristics.

  • Andr: Man
  • Gyn: Woman
  • Androgynous: Having both male and female characteristics

Words Based on the Andr Word Root

Commonly Used Words Based on the Andr Word Root:

  • Androgynous: Having both male and female characteristics.
  • Android: Resembling a human or human- like robot.
  • Misandry: Hatred towards men.

Archaic Words Based on the Andr Word Root:

  • Andragogy: The methods or techniques used to teach adults.
  • Polyandry: The practice of having more than one husband at a time.
  • Androcracy: Political rule by men or

Technical Words/Jargon Based on the Andr Word Root:

  • Androgens: Male sex hormones such as testosterone.
  • Andrology: The medical specialty dealing with male health, particularly relating to the problems of the male reproductive system and urological issues.
  • Androcentric: Centered or focused on

Related Word Roots

1. Vir- (Latin: ‘man’)

    • Virile: Exhibiting masculine energy and strength.
    • Virtue: Originally denoting manliness orvalor.


  • Virago: A woman of masculine strength or


2. Gyn- (Greek: ‘woman’)

  • Gynecology: The branch of physiology and medicine dealing with the functions and diseases specific to women.
  • Gynocracy: Government by women.
  • Gynephobia: An abnormal fear of

3. Anthrop- (Greek: ‘human’)

  • Anthropology: The study of human societies and cultures.
  • Philanthropy: The desire to promote the welfare of others.
  • Anthropocentric: Regarding human beings as the central element of the universe.

We hope this article on the commonly used Andr Word Root has been helpful to you in remembering the words based on the Word Root Andr and enhancing your vocabulary. Linking words with familiar concepts can make it easier to memorize and understand their meanings.

We hope this article on the commonly used Ante Word Root has been helpful to you in remembering the words based on the Word Root Ante and enhancing your vocabulary.

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