Definition & Meaning: Ann Word Root
Words Based on the Ann Word Root
Let us look at some examples to get a clearer understanding:
- Annual – happening once a year
- Anniversary – a date remembered for some special event that occurred on that date in a previous year
- Centennial – the 100th anniversary of something
Commonly Used Words Based on the Ann Word Root
- Annals – records of the activities of an organization; historical records
- Centennial – the 100th anniversary of something important
- Biannual – occurring twice a year
- Semi-annual – happening every six months or twice a year
- Perennial – living for several years; happening again and again
- Millennium – a period of thousand years
- Biennial – happening every two years
- Annuity – a fixed amount of money that is paid to someone each year
- Annualize – to calculate or adjust to reflect a rate based on a full year
Archaic Words Based on the Ann Word Root
- Anno Domini – used to indicate that a time division falls within the Christian era
- Annalist – a writer of annals
Technical Words/Jargon Based on the Ann Word Root
- Superannuated – old and therefore no longer useful or effective
- Sesquicentennial – a 150th anniversary or its celebration
- Quadrennial – happening once every four years
Related Word Roots
Exploring related roots offers further insights into the linguistic tapestry of English:
- Chron-: Meaning “time.” Examples:
- Chronological – arranged in the order of time
- Chronicle – a factual written account of important or historical events in the order of their occurrence
- Synchronize – cause to occur or operate at the same time or rate
- Temp-: Meaning “time.” Examples:
- Temporary – lasting for only a limited period of time
- Tempo – the speed at which a passage of music is played
- Contemporary – living or occurring at the same time
Understanding the roots Ann and enn helps us decipher a myriad of words related to time and annual events, enriching our vocabulary and enhancing our understanding of the English language.