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Definition & Meaning: Antero Word Root

The Word Root-Antero comes from Latin –‘situated in front, fore’. Anterior and posterior, antonyms of each other, where the former usually pertains to ‘situated at the front of’, opposed to posterior which means ‘situated behind or at the rear of’. Let’s look at anteromedian for instance, it breaks down into:
Antero: In front
Median: In center
Antero + median- in front and in the central line

Example sentence:
The anteromedian gland cells are present in larvae which consist of needle like secretionAntero Root Word: Learn words related to word root Antero

Words Based on the Antero Word Root

Following is a list of words based on the Antero Word Root:

1. Anterolateral: In front of and in each side of the body or object
2. Anteroposterior: From front to back for typical reference for X-ray beam
3. Anterograde: Is directed forward in time like in amnesia
4. Anteroinferior: A reference to that which is situated in front of something, but at a lower level or below it
5. Anteroparietal: Situated in a forward part or on the wall of an organ or cavity
6. Anterozoa: A class of animal kingdom which consist of all animals except protozoa and porifera
7. Anteroventral: Relating to the underside of the front of the head
8. Anterodorsal: In front and towards the back
9. Anteroexternal: Situated in front and on the outer side
10. Anterofrontal: Front part of head or brain
11. Anterointernal: In front and to the inner side
12. Anterospinal: Part located in front of spine
13. Anterosuperior: Situated in the front and above
14. Anteromedial: In front of and towards the middle line
15. Anteromedian: In front and in the central line

We hope this article on the commonly used Antero Word Root and it has been helpful to you in remembering the words based on the Word Root Antero and enhance your vocabulary.

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