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Definition & Meaning: Antho Word Root

The Word Root Antho comes from the Greek word
Anthos, meaning ‘flower’. This root is the basis for various words related to flowers and floral structures. For example, the word
anther refers to the pollen-bearing part of a flower’s stamen, highlighting the connection to flowers.Example Sentence: The two stamens of the Viola tricolor (Pansy), with their two anther lobes and the process extending beyond them, look exquisite.

Word root tree diagram featuring words derived from the antho root.

Words Based on the Antho Word Root

Commonly Used Words based on this Word Root

  • Anthozoan: A member of a large class of marine animals, including sea anemones and corals, which resemble flowers.
  • Anthology: A collection of literary works, originally meaning a collection of flowers or poems.
  • Anther: The pollen-bearing part of the stamen in a flower.
  • Anthesis: The period or act of flowering.
  • Monanthous: Bearing a singleflower.
  • Nyctanthous: Flowering at night.
  • Synanthy: The fusion or adhesion offlowers that are normally separate.

Archaic Words based on this Word Root

  • Ananthous: In botany, having no flowers.
  • Epanthous: Living on flowers, typically used for certain fungi.
  • Isanthous: Having regular flowers.

Technical Words/Jargon based on this Word Root

  • Anthecology: The study of pollination and the relationships between insects and flowers.
  • Aianthous: Having flowers all yearround.
  • Amblyanthus: Having blunt or dullflowers.
  • Erianthous: Having woolly flowers.
  • Speiranthous: Having twisted flowers.
  • Synanthous: Having flowers and leaves appearing simultaneously.

Related Word Roots

Exploring related word roots can provide further insights into the linguistic connections:

Flor- (Latin: ‘flower’)

Meaning: Pertaining to flowers.

  • Floral: Related to or resembling flowers.
  • Florist: A person who sells and arranges flowers.
  • Flourish: To grow or develop in a healthy or vigorous way, often with reference to flowers blooming.

Botan- (Greek: ‘plant’)

Meaning: Pertaining to plants.




  • Botany: The scientific study of
  • Botanical: Relating to plants or plant
  • Botanist: A scientist who studies


Florid- (Latin: ‘floridus’ meaning ‘flowery in bloom’)

Meaning: Having a red or flushed complexion; elaborately or excessively intricate or complicated.

  • Florid: Having a red or flushed complexion; elaborately or excessively intricate.
  • Floridity: The quality of being

Understanding and memorising words becomes easier when we link them to something unforgettable, showcasing the power of word roots in breaking down complex terms and grasping their meanings with ease.

We hope this article on the commonly used Ante Word Root has been helpful to you in remembering the words based on the Word Root Ante and enhancing your vocabulary.

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