
Word Root: Apic(o)

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Definition & Meaning: Apic(o)- Word Root

The Word Root Apic(o)- comes from the Latin word apex, meaning a point or the tip. This root is integral in forming words that describe something related to a peak, top, or pointed end. For example, the word apical refers to something that is situated at or forms the apex.

Understanding the Term: Apical

To have a better understanding, let’s break down the word

  • Apic: Point or apex
  • -al: Suffix meaning “related to”
  • Apical: Related to the apex or tip

Words Based on the Apic(o)- Word Root

Commonly Used Words Based on the Apic(o)- Word Root


  • Apical: Relating to or situated at the
  • Apicectomy: Surgical removal of the tipof a tooth root.
  • Apiculate: Having a short, sharp


Archaic Words Based on the Apic(o)- Word Root

  • Apiculate: Having a small, pointed end; used more in botanical contexts.
  • Apiculus: A small, pointed part or

Technical Words/Jargon Based on the Apic(o)- Word Root

  • Apical dominance: The phenomenon whereby the main, central stem of the plant is dominant over (grows more strongly than) other side stems.
  • Apicobasal: Pertaining to or extending from the apex to the base.
  • Apicoplast: A type of organelle found in certain parasites.

Related Word Roots

1. Acr(o)-

Meaning: Height, summit, tip

  • Acrophobia: Fear of heights.
  • Acrobat: A performer of spectacular gymnastic feats.

2. Top(o)-

Meaning: Place, region

  • Topography: The arrangement of the natural and artificial physical features of an area.
  • Toponym: A place name.

3. Summ-

Meaning: Highest, topmost

  • Summit: The highest point of a hill or mountain.
  • Summary: A brief statement or account of the main points of something.

Understanding these roots can make it easier to decipher the meanings of complex words. We hope this article on the apic(o)- Word Root has been helpful in enhancing your vocabulary.

We hope this article on the commonly used Ante Word Root has been helpful to you in remembering the words based on the Word Root Ante and enhancing your vocabulary.

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