
Word Root: Apo

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Definition & Meaning: Apo Word Root

The root word “Apo” comes from the Greek root which means ‘away or apart,’ usually giving a spatial sense. For instance, the word “Apostate” refers to a person who renounces a religion because:
  • Apo: Away or apart
  • Sta: Stand; be firm
  • Apo + Sta: Apostate i.e., a person who is away from a stand or a religion.

It is fair to say that words with the word root “Apo” are mostly used as nouns, verbs, and adjectives representing a spatial sense.

Example Sentence: Abdul’s apostasy was regarded as a disgrace to his family.

Words Based on the Apo Word Root

Commonly Used Words Based on the Apo Word Root

  • Apogee: The point at which the moon is furthest from the earth.
  • Apology: A regretful acceptance of an offence.
  • Apostasy: Renunciation of religious beliefs.
  • Apostrophe: A punctuation mark used to replace missing letters in a contraction.

Archaic Words Based on the Apo Word Root

  • Apocope: Cut off the final sound of a word in pronunciation.

Technical Words/Jargon Based on the Apo Word Root

  • Apogamy: Development of an embryo without fertilisation.
  • Apocenter: Point in the orbit away from the centre of gravity.
  • Apocryphal: Statement of doubtful authenticity.
  • Apocalypse: Away from living settlements, end of the world.
  • Apoptosis: Process of elimination of cells for an animal’s survival.
  • Apomixis: Asexual reproduction in plants.

Related Word Roots

1. Ab-

Meaning: Away, from

  • Abduct: To take away by force.
  • Abstract: Existing in thought but not having a physical or concrete existence.

2. Se-

Meaning: Apart

  • Separate: To move or be apart.
  • Segregate: To set apart from the rest.

3. Dis-

Meaning: Apart, away

  • Distant: Far away in space or time.
  • Disperse: Distribute or spread over a wide area.

We can see how much easier it becomes to memorise any word if we can link it with something unforgettable. That is the power of the word root, helping us to break down complex words and easily understand their meaning.

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