Definition & Meaning: Arious Root Word
The root word -arious comes originally from Latin adjectives ending in -Arius. It generally refers to an adjective which means Connected with; pertaining to.
For instance, the word various meaning different from one another; of different kinds or sorts came from Latin varius ‘changing, diverse’ + -ous. In the same way that many Latin words ending in -us that were used in English were derived through French with the ending changed to -ous, some of those in -arius changed to -arious (others took on the endings -arian or -ary instead).
Example sentence:
Tom came up with various ideas on how to make his business more successful.
Tom read a good book and experienced it vicariously.
Words Based on the Arious Root Word
Following is a list of words based on the Arious Root Word:
1. Vicarious: Of something experienced through the feelings or actions of another person.
2. Nefarious: Wicked or criminal.
3. Precarious: Uncertain or insecure.
4. Carious: Decayed.
5. Arbitrarious: Pertaining to individual discretion or judgment.
6. Hilarious: Very funny; causing great merriment and laughter.
7. Lutarious: Of, pertaining to, or like, mud; living in mud.
8. Gregarious: Fond of company or sociable.
9. Trifarious: Facing three ways; arranged in three vertical ranks, like the leaves of veratrum.
10. Omnifarious: Of many or all forms, varieties, or kinds.
11. Plurifarious: Of many kinds or fashions.
12. Bifarious: Some strange, mysterious verity in old bifarious prophesy
13. Multifarious: Having or occurring in great variety
14. Temerarious: Marked by temerity: rashly or presumptuously daring
15. Contrarious: Showing dislike or opposition
16. Scarious: Dry and membranous in texture
We hope this article on the commonly used Arious Root Word and it has been helpful to you in remembering the words based on the Root Word Arious and enhance your vocabulary.