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Reading Suggestion 1: The World Cup’s Sickening Message

Article Source: Project Syndicate

Learn Words from the article:

Tune: Order; harmony; concord
Lump: A group, set or unit
Ingrain: To make something deeply part of something else, either literally or figuratively
Pundit: A learned person in India

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Reading Suggestion 2: India’s Iraq Problem

Article Source: Project Syndicate

Learn Words from the article:

Turbulent: Violently disturbed or agitated

Tumult: Confused, agitated noise as made by crowd
Myriad: A countless number or multitude
Precipice: The brink of a dangerous situation

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Reading Suggestion 3: Girl Power

Article Source: Project Syndicate

Learn Words from the article:

Abduct: To take away by force

Ramify: To divide into branches or subdivisions
Glimmer: A faint light; a dim glow
Seep: A small spring or pool

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