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Reading Suggestion 1: Is Asia heading towards World War like conditions?

Article Source: The Economic Times

Learn Words from the article:

Conflagration: A destructive fire, usually an extensive one.
Beset: To attack on all sides; assail; harass; to surround; hem in.
Periphery: The external boundary of any surface or area.
Deterrent: Something immaterial that interferes with or delays action or progress.

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Reading Suggestion 2: Change the Way You Persuade

Article Source: Harvard Business Review

Learn Words from the article:

Unassailable: Not subject to denial or dispute.
Exuberant: Effusively and almost uninhibitedly enthusiastic; lavishly abundant.
Skeptics: One who instinctively or habitually doubts, questions, or disagrees with assertions or generally accepted conclusions.
Facet: A distinct feature or element.

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Reading Suggestion 3: How to transform the country from world’s largest defence equipment importer to major exporter

Article Source: The Times Of India

Learn Words from the article:

Credible: Worthy of belief or confidence; trustworthy.
Imperative: Absolutely necessary or required; unavoidable.
Formidable: Difficult to undertake, surmount, or defeat; arousing fear or dread.
Indigenization: To increase local participation in or ownership of; to adapt to local ways.
Niche: A position particularly well suited to the person who occupies it.

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