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Reading Suggestion 1: How to save 3 million babies from dying

Article Source: Hindustan Times

Learn Words from the article:

Philanthropy: The effort or inclination to increase the well-being of humankind.
Neonatal: Of or pertaining to newborn children.
Resuscitation: To revive, especially from apparent death or from unconsciousness.

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Reading Suggestion 2: Some people think astrology is a science- here’s why

Article Source: The Hindu

Learn Words from the article:

Albeit: Even though; although; notwithstanding.
Credence: Belief as to the truth of something.
Metaphysics: The branch of philosophy that examines a the nature of reality, including the relationship between mind and matter, substance and attribute, fact and value.
Allegiance: Loyalty or the obligation of loyalty, as to a nation, sovereign, or cause.

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Reading Suggestion 3: My best lesson: I don’t have one

Article Source: The Guardian

Learn Words from the article:

Alliterative: Having the same consonant at the beginning of each stressed syllable.
Ample: Fully sufficient or more than adequate for the purpose or needs; plentiful; enough.
Advert: To turn attention.

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