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Reading Suggestion 1: Are you being kind to yourself?

Article Source: Times Of India

Learn Words from the article:

Empathetic: understanding another person’s point of view or emotions
Introspection: the process of looking inward and inspecting one’s own feelings and thoughts.
Accomplish: to achieve, to gain.

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Reading Suggestion 2: Junk food diet ‘makes children badly behaved’.

Article Source: Daily Mail

Learn Words from the article:

Deficit: deficiency in amount or quality
Outrageous: exceeding conventional behaviour, violating morality or decency.
Disruptive: causing state of trouble and confusion.

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Reading Suggestion 3: Music as medicine for brain

Article Source: US News

Learn Words from the article:

Innately: native, natural
Attune: to bring into harmony or accord, to tune an instrument
Cognitive: the part of mental functions that deal with logic.

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