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Reading Suggestion 1: World Cup and after: Sport’s changing face

Article Source: The Pioneer

Learn Words from the article:

Sprint: run at full speed over a short distance
Profound: very great or intense
Unprecedented: never done or known before
Sans: without

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Reading Suggestion 2: Social sector gets it due

Article Source: The Pioneer

Learn Words from the article:

Ample: enough or more than enough; plentiful
Tone: give a healthy elasticity to
Defecate: discharge faeces from the body
Backdrop: lie behind or beyond; serve as a background to

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Reading Suggestion 3: Can non-Muslims speak for Muslim women?

Article Source: The Pioneer

Learn Words from the article:

Absurd: wildly unreasonable, illogical, or inappropriate
Laissez-faire: the policy of leaving things to take their own course, without interfering
Archaic: very old or old-fashioned
Denigrate: criticize unfairly; disparage

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