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Reading Suggestion 1: Leadership: An outcome of nature of nurture?

Article Source: The Economic Times

Author: Krishnamurthy Subramanian

Learn Words from the article

Comprehensive: Including all or everything.
Anecdote: A short, interesting or amusing account of a real incident.
Cognition: The psychological result of perception and learning and reasoning.
Manifestation: A clear appearance.
Acumen: Shrewdness shown by keen insight.

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Reading Suggestion 2: The beauty of the concept of mathematics

Article Source: The Hindu

Author: Pramod Sravan

Learn Words from the article.

Abstract: Existing only in the mind; separated from embodiment.
Fundamental: Serving as an essential component.
Conceive: Have the idea for.
Conception: An abstract or general idea inferred or derived from specific instances.
Astonishing: Surprising greatly.

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Reading Suggestion 3: Be defined by the days you win.

Article Source: The Hindu

Author: Tanvi Bhati

Learn Words from the article.

Tripped: Miss a step and fall or nearly fall.
Relenting: Give in, as to influence or pressure.
Incurred: Make oneself subject to; bring upon oneself; become liable to.

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Wordpandit’s Note: In this post, you will discover two articles that will fill you with some positive spirit. Article 2 talks about the beauty of mathematics and inspires you to look at the subject differently. Article 3 is a motivation article that will definitely help boost your spirit.

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