Definition & Meaning: Brachi Word Root
Words Based on the Brachi Word Root
Commonly Used Words Based on this Word Root
- Brace: An orthopaedic appliance that holds or supports part of the body.
- Bracelet: A piece of jewellery worn around the wrist or arm.
- Brachialgia: Pain in the arms.
- Brachiate: Move by using the arms to swing from branch to branch.
Archaic Words Based on this Word Root
- Abrachia: Congenital disease of not having limbs.
- Abrachiocephalus: A fetus exhibiting the absence of the head and arms.
Technical Words/Jargon Based on this Word Root
- Brachiation: A mode of locomotion, characteristic of some arboreal animals, in which the animals swing from one handhold to the next.
- Brachiform: Shaped or bent like an arm.
- Brachiocephalic: A reference to arm and head.
- Brachiocrural: A reference to arm and leg.
- Brachiogram: A tracing of brachial (arm) artery pulse.
- Brachioradialis: A muscle lying on the lateral side of the forearm.
- Brachioplasty: A surgical procedure called Arm Lift to reshape and provide improved contour to the upper arms and connecting area of the chest wall.
- Microbrachia: An abnormal smallness of the arms.
- Monobrachia: A fetus with only one forelimb.
- Tribrachial: A figure or utensil with three arms.
Related Word Roots
- Carp-: Meaning “wrist”.
- Carpal: Relating to the bones forming the human wrist.
- Carpus: The group of small bones between the main part of the forelimb and the metacarpus in terrestrial vertebrates.
- Digit-: Meaning “finger or toe”.
- Digital: Relating to or resembling a finger or fingers.
- Digitate: Having divisions arranged like those of a bird’s foot or resembling a hand.
- Manu-: Meaning “hand”.
- Manual: Relating to or done with the hands.
- Manuscript: A book, document, or piece of music written by hand rather than typed or printed.
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