Definition & Meaning: Bri Word Root
Words Based on the Bri Word Root
Commonly Used Words Based on this Word Root
- Brief: A synopsis, short.
- Debrief: The act of getting information, to interrogate.
- Unabridged: Not reduced.
- Abridge: To shorten.
- Abridger: A summariser.
Archaic Words Based on this Word Root
- Abridgement: The act of shortening.
Technical Words/Jargon Based on this Word Root
- Unbridled: Unconstrained.
- Bridgework: Component of a bridge.
- Hybrid: Combination of two items.
- Cybrid: Cytoplasmic hybrid, produced by the fusion of a whole cell with a cytoplast.
Related Word Roots
Brevi (Latin: short)
- Abbreviate: To shorten a word, phrase, or text.
- Brevet: A promotion in military rank without the corresponding pay.
- Breviary: A book containing the service for each day, to be recited by those in orders in the Roman Catholic Church.
Trunc (Latin: to cut)
- Truncate: To shorten by cutting off.
- Truncheon: A short, thick stick carried as a weapon by a police officer.
- Trunk: The main stem of a tree.
Curta (Latin: to shorten)
- Curtail: To reduce in extent or quantity; to impose a restriction on.
- Curtailed: Reduced in extent or quantity; restricted.
- Curtailedness: The state of being curtailed or restricted.
We hope this article on the commonly used Bri Root Word has been helpful in enhancing your vocabulary and understanding of words based on the root “Bri.”