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Picture for CamaraderieOrigin of the word Camaraderie:

You guessed it right: Camaraderie comes into English through the word Comrade. It is also spelled as comradery.

In terms of etymology, camaraderie / comradery imply an inherent closeness. The words are derived from Latin word camara, with its meaning as “chamber,room”. This word got retained in Latin per say, and its derivative camarada came to mean “roommates, especially barrack mates”. (Hence, the word comrade in English implies the political or social closeness. Know the fact that members of the communist party are called comrades?) . English borrowed these words from Spanish and French, with the use of Comrade being first recorded in 16th century. Its political sense came into force in late 19th century.

The word camaraderie is an extension of the same and implies this closeness, especially in a good natured and jovial way.

The dictionary definitions for Camaraderie are as follows:

1. Goodwill and lighthearted rapport between or among friends; comradeship. (Noun)

2. Close friendship in a group of friends or teammates. (Noun)

Masters Tip to remember Camaraderie:

Camaraderie = COMRADESHIP = for our purpose, this means brothers in arms!

What is the frequency between comrades? It matches perfectly and creates the perfect atmosphere of friendship. This atmosphere is called camaraderie. The picture used in word poster is symbolic of the same friendship.

Usage Examples for Camaraderie:

1. Now, the camaraderie is one of the best things around here because we really do pull for each other, we really do get along, and we really do want to see everyone have success.

2. You really have to keep up your nerve for the sake of the performance and other actors around you. There is a real camaraderie at the theatre which I enjoy as I have always been a team player. -John Leslie

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