How should you study words for CAT?

Memorizing words can be a difficult task as long as one is preparing for CAT where the volume of words to be learned is huge. Fifteen minutes of daily investment into the task can fetch one good communication skills as well. Building up a good vocabulary helps one to understand the concepts with more clarity. No wonder words are learnt throughout all spheres of life but what is required here is to learn words more consistently and effectively.  ‘Vocab builder’ is based on the basic concept of learning multiple words at the same time while being able to differentiate among them easily.  One of the important aspects here is to learn and review words regularly.  In this section, we use two methods of learning words: ‘Flash Cards’ and Visual ‘Word List’. What are these two all about?

Method 1: Flashcards

How to Use Flash Cards?

Explore: Make sure that you browse through the flash-cards periodically and in the sequence given. The Flash-cards are provided in an alphabetical order and each set has 10 words. You should go through a set at one go and try to identify the words that are new to you.
Learn: In order to learn a word effectively, make sure you learn its synonyms and antonyms. A word won’t be learned by simply flipping through the card, you would to make sure that to take notes for the respective word-slide that you are not clear with.
Revise: Every set of cards that you study would require revision. Re-read them every few days to make sure that your learning is not of temporary nature. It is always important to revise whatever you have learnt.

Method 2: Visual Wordlist

How to use the Visual Word List?

Identify: The first step that you to need to take is to establish you current vocabulary levels. You can select from the three levels we have given you: beginner, amateur and advanced. You can do this by browsing through the respective word list.

Study: Once you have identified your level, you explore the words given for that level. Each level has 100 words, accompanied with a visual that enables easier learning. You also have synonyms for the word that will help you learn a group of words at once.

Revise: Every word that you study would require revision. Re-read them every few days to make sure that your learning is not of a temporary nature. It is always important to revise whatever you have learnt.

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